What are you to say herre? It comes to are you into what I am into and want to see what happens. Up for play pretty simple really. Not looking for the "love" of my life for good things come to those who wait. Expectations and reality seldom line up and when you finally learn this small truth you then can start enjoying those arouond you in the moment and not create a whole scenario of what's going to happen for your living the happening. Each day we grow and each day we learn. There are greater things to persue, but this is certainly one of the funner ones. Sir Dean I guess what I would like is a casual freinds and a steady thing with someone whos ok with themsleves and want to explore. Getting a newbie would be fun but so would learning a few new things and trying them out. Can pretty much go from light to Dam in intensity and most forms of dicipline. To control another one must know how to control themselves.