Why is the need so incredibly strong? The little girl within me hasn't found the perfect peace...pleasing both Mommy and Daddy, gaining their loving affection...being shared to satisfy their darkest desires. you see an age declared here, and to the world at large, I am competent, intelligent, and have "my act" totally together in the vanilla world. Underneath it all a hunger lies in that would be considered most taboo in the vanilla world. But it's really simple, and innocent, and totally pure from the loving heart of your little girl. I ache to lay between you, to receive Mommy's suckle at Mommy's breasts until she's wet for Daddy, to move down at Mommy's urging to nurse from Daddy's cock while He kisses Mommy and professes His love for Her. To feel the love the two of you share enveloping me as I seek to please you You teach, as Your will lick and savor the juice of Daddy's passion from within Mommy. Your little girl....Your gift to one another.