Starting with a tabula rasa always seems so intimidating...

Well, here I am again. Is it even possible to encapsulate a complex faceted personality within lines of typing? No, probably not but hopefully a rough thumbnail will serve.Firstly, I am here to see what potential this place holds. I have been a silent member for some time now and really that has been down to my career; which is also the reason that I will never be posting my face on this or any other site.But it isn't always the quiet ones you have to watch out for and I am tired of lurking in the shadows. I guess I feel it is time to put some definition on the outline.I have been active in the scene in Scotland for some time now and have got to know several wonderful people through it. For me, BDSM is an aspect, a facet like I mentioned before and an integral and precious one at that but it does not define me, and it is certainly not all there is to me. To this end, I will try to refrain from listing my preferences and desires purely to those ends. I believe there is a small box for that...Interestingly though, a lot of what I do admire in BDSM I also admire and strive for outside of it. I am drawn to creativity and, as my name suggests, am never happier than when I am steeped in literature. I adore all kinds of fantasy and spend part of my own free time engaging in an ever-fluctuating maelstrom of writing, drawing, gaming and dreaming up new ideas for all three. I am attracted to people that see the possibilities in things then turn their own personal mirror onto them, revealing something that I had never considered or experienced before.Similarly confidence is important to me. I adore stimulating conversation and repartee. I can feel incredibly satisfied from the cut and thrust (and parry!) of debate and I find myself relishing the moments when I get to engage in thus. Confidence in others, both in who they are and what they do, is hugely invigorating. I like being in the presence of those who are comfortable in being themselves.However I also value empathy and compassion in their truest form. I have little time for those that are genuinely shallow and selfish and as much as I loathe the term "deal-breaker" to me that is what it is. If I don't think you can see me for who I am then I cannot trust you to respect me, my boundaries or my feelings.Someone once told me to live by the three I's and I try to: Identity, Intelligence and Integrity. I have found it is good advice.What am I looking for? I am not. I have no assumption, no fixed agenda and no checklist. I really do feel however that the world holds a myriad of incredible and interesting people and I guess I would like to see who is out there without making presupposition or early judgement! If, however, what I have said has resonated with you then I would love to hear from you.Now, let's see where this leads...