

Wraith: The wraith is a being of power, controlled by a greater spirit to do the creatures will. These creatures are shadows, floating amongst our realm with no purpose but that of their Masters. (Wikipedia)

Have to love that definition, no? It is one definition of many, and the most suitable to me at this time..

The definition still fits well in 2008, and it's time to update the old profile. So here it begins..

2007 was a very hard year - loss, sorrow, misery and pain - all have accompanied me on this journey. I have found myself to be both stronger, and weaker than I knew.. but I have survived it, learned from it, and grown - so I guess there was a positive lesson deep within the chaos.

The year ended however, in the most unexpected of ways. A long lost love returned to my life, not only as lover, best friend, confidant, and companion - He also returned with something differing inside of Him. He became what I had always dreamed. He came home a Master. To say I have found bliss is to merely scrape the surface. He is Master, He is the air that I breathe and the spark of fire within my soul. He has tamed the raging beast within me and gentled it to the softness of a kitten. I give all of myself before him, with ease, with want, nothing held back.. no secrets, no fear, no shame - I simply am, as I will be - and it is all His. Finally, I submit to One stronger, finally I know true submission. Finally, I am whole. Never have I known true happiness as I do now. I embrace the new year, my new life, my new sense of self, and my true place in this world (at His feet). The once unconquorable one has indeed fallen to her knees, captured, bound, collared, and fully woman to a Man who will accept no less.. and I am greatful for every moment of it.
~Thank you my Master... thank you.

I have known BDSM from both ends of the spectrum.

On the top I am a sadist, and I get very deeply engaged in my own headspace when allowed the freedom to fully express myself in an SM scene. I was a professional Domina for a time, but those days are past. I retain many fond memories and it is a period in my life I will always look back on with a smile.

On the flip side, and more in my heart these days is my submissive side. It is there deep within me, but I can only express it under the right hand - one that must be stronger than my own. It's not something I can just "give" - it has to be coaxed from me, sometimes ripped and taken. I must be conquored and then my submission nurtured for what it is. He must rule me without question, or I can not submit. If He is weaker, I end up in control - if I am in control, how can I respect Him as Master? The equation doesn't work. No, I am not a traditional submissive, some may even argue that if this is what it takes for me to submit that I am not submissive at all.. but then, those are the people who could never begin to understand me. I test the limits, I push, then I push harder.. because I have to know - when it matters, He will not yield. I have a woman's heart and a man's resolve - I am definitely not easy, but then, I do not hide that fact. Simplicity is not my nature.

I am NOT here looking for a relationship, screw buddy, Dom or sub. I am completely owned, heart, mind, body and soul. I am merely here to share friendship, company and the exchange of knowledge with those who embrace the same interests - nothing more.

I guess that is enough for now..

8/6/2007 5:17:49 PM

Hair-Metal flashback.. and the lyrics just won't leave my mind..

Why am I starting to like this?
You know He hasn't hurt me yet
But it's different now, just a whim
Maybe I'm becoming His pet
Hey man, I think I like being scared
~Scared~ by Dangerous Toys

8/3/2007 11:31:05 AM

Reflections ~wraithgirl~ copyright 8/2007

The mirror falls,
crystalline shards splayed;
Leaving only a remnant of visage

Refractory light glitters..
Or was it an illusion through tears?
Beautiful as it lays broken,
illuminated even in pieces;
whatever the cause

Pale fingers reach forth
grasping the icy band of steel,
that once held it all together;
Now casually discarded..

Fragments slowly gathered,
so many pieces;
Each bearing another cut,
while pain subdues pain..

The mirror is gone;
Time moving in silent stealth,
until all has changed;
And only the memory remains..