I was on here long ago, and thought I had found what I was seeking. Alas it seems I saw only an illusion. Now a bit smarter, and a bit more careful I seek again. Just what I seen is still being found out.
12/19/2008 1:28:17 AM
Q2. what does your name mean?
A2. To give a clear and simple answer, I copied this from

ve·rac·ity (və rasə tē)

habitual truthfulness; honesty

  1. accordance with truth; accuracy of statement
  2. accuracy or precision, as of perception
  3. that which is true; truth

Etymology: ML veracitas, truthfulness

12/19/2008 1:27:37 AM
Q1. If you are a Dominant, why is your name not capped?
A. I do not feel the need. the whole Caps Dom thing seems silly to me, as it is the heart and soul that is dominant, not some characters on a screen.

12/19/2008 1:26:20 AM
Since several people have emailed asking questions, here are some answers.