It all begins with a sense of humor.

There is nothing more effective than a hearty, genuine and gleefully wicked laugh in bringing a man
(at least this man) to his knees and keeping him there.

You are a compulsive and merciless tease. You live to see a desperately hard man on his knees before you, tearfully begging for relief, and it makes the pleasure you require him to give you from that position sooooooo much hotter and more explosive!

Amazing, isn't it, the things a man teased to the point of agony can be made to do for even just the chance of a desperately needed release--which may or may not be granted!

How much neater and more spotless your home becomes...

How much tastier your dinner is when prepared, served and cleared under such conditions...

How much more relaxing and delightful it is to have your bath drawn for you and to be tenderly sponged and dried by an attendant with something desperately on his mind...

How much more soothing and delicious a naked massage in your bedroom is from the fingers of a man aching to do more...

And then, of course, there are those parts of you that need to be massaged by something other than fingers...How delightfully varied are the uses of a desperate man's tongue! It's not only for begging...

Well, that's the bedroom part, anyway! LOL!

But it all starts with that sense of humor!

And a real curiosity about life and people, wedded to a craving for fun and a passion for embracing the joys and adventures and discoveries of life.

And most important of all, a sincere generosity of spirit and a truly big heart. Because without that, nothing else matters.