
I could look around and try to decipher what I see

But no matter what I'll never understand

I could live my life chasing things I believed in once

Or I could just grasp reality and live my life from day to day

I could make my life a black and white picture

So dull and hard to understand sometimes

Or I could live like a rainbow

Never knowing what's going to happen next but trying so hard not to regret the outcome

We'll never think the same, regardless of how bad we may want to

Our opinions constantly change

And, unfortunately, we may have to deal with the unexpected consequences

But what's life without a little bit of risk

I could sit back and watch life slowly slip away to nothing

Or I can make the most out of life before it's too late

Eventually we'll be no more

Some will slip away sooner than others

But despite all of this

To most people who meet me, I'll just end up being nothing but a fading memory