If you can’t beat 'em....

Men! You know the saying “You can’t live with them, and you can’t live without them.” It seems that most guys want a threesome with another woman.

I'm a submissive woman and it seems that most men I’ve known want to play with multiple girls. I have yet to do this, but the truth be told I am bi-curious and maybe I could even be bisexual if I tried it (though I’ll always be submissive to a man).

I’m wondering if there are other woman who feel the same, and I would also like to talk to women who have been in this type of relationship or situation (FFM).

How did you feel watching your man with another woman? Did it hurt...and did you feel insecure?
Or was it hot?
Did it make your relationship stronger knowing he wanted you there with him? Did you want to do it more, and even form a bonded and committed relationship with all concerned?

Is there anyone who feels the same as I do?