

Sorry.. couldn't help myself :) I'm Jay.

Found this through a random browser search session and thought hey.. why not! I'm on another swingers website and indeed, I like to keep my options open.

Now.. I stress the fact I don't mind a little bit of fun, but I do not want to suffer any type of pain so if you wish to inflict any, forget it and move on quick style! I am not here to be punished!

I am of course more than willing to be the dominant male for any ladies who require as much. But this is purely down to preference. I am more than happy to mess around with foreplay and get kinky with each other. But I know a lot of people who enjoy light domination so thought hey.. why not share the skills with the masses, or suchlike :)

Do come say hello ;)

Mr Jay x

p.s. yes.. I'm a total pc geek so the blue screen felt like a good idea :)