My ideal first meeting (assignment 3/4/11)
I will have awaken in the early morning knowing that i am meeting You today, because i will have been given notice already. I will get into the shower to wash my hair thinking in case Sir happened to smell my hair. Wash my body with Pomegrainate body wash because i feel it fun and playful. I will shave my armpits, legs, vagina, and ass because when Sir's hand and eyes brush over me i want Him to see how soft my skin is.
After my shower i will get dressed, most likely no panties, no bra, but my sexy black dress. Then i will put on just the littlest bit of make up, maybe just conseeler. Just to bring out my lips and eyes. Then put on my most expensive perfume. After that i'll blow out my hair, and at this point i'll look stunning for my Master who will be here soon. Then i slip on my prettiest high heels because i konw that is one thing i absolutely can not forget!
Master picks me up tells me to sit down look straight ahead and sit on my hands. He then drives me to some store, and tells me to walk almost behind Him because i am not His equal, and on His right side because the right side is a place of honor, and to only keep my eyes on Him so that everyone can see this pretty girl and who's really in charge.
Then i imagine my Master will want us to sit down to be like on a proper old fastoned date at a resturant. Where i imagine i'd just sit there like a fool smiling over how handsome and dominate He is. As He speaks to me as though i was his equal on the outside. I'd still be feeling so giddy and nerves.
After finishing that we would go some where to be alone. Where ever it might be, at the park, or hotel, or even library. At this point Sir will sit me down right in from of Him and while He was just silent command me to tell Him what gets me off. Me being very embrased and lookin around not able to diverge from His gaze. I tell Him, after i am done He asks me if i'm wet and me being so bashful i just nod my head. As His eyes never leave mine He reachs down to feel how hot my litte cunt has gotten. He then stops and looks really pleased from what He made me do!
Then it is time to go as we get into Master's car He again instructs me to sit on my hands eyes forward. I do so then i feel His ever strong hand on the back of my neck and hair pulling me into Him. Master has his cock out and hard as we are driving and He forcefully instructs me to have His cock into my mouth. As He says such rude and naughty things to me He pushs his cock down my throat where it stays for awhile as He keeps thrusting it into my throat.
Then we pull up to my road, not my house though. He finishs deep in my throat, lets me up, tells me to swallow.
My Master, as my Master, tells me he is ever pleased with me. Then as my boyfriend He gives me a goodnight kiss and tells me how beautiful I am.
Then He commands me to get out and walk the block home.
I do so thinking how amazing was my day with my Master. :)