i'm keeping the profile to keep in touch with real life friends, so if you haven't met me in person, please do not contact me.

girl lives with and belongs to Master Randall, justRandall on this sight. If Y/you do not know girl by meeting her and desire any information on her, then please contact Him. girl's turned pretty private after dealing with a lot of drama and gossip in the lifestyle, but Master Randall would like some words on O/our relationship here. girl enjoys being with Master Randall very much. it's a real connection, girl responds to Him as a Dominant, a Man, a Lover, a Friend. girl serves Him in all ways, from doing laundry, giving massages, helping in the work shop, making His the BDSM side of serving. girl's mind and body are His at all times. He's used them both extensively. girl has had a scene high for several hours after scening with Master Randall.

this one yearns for pain and serving, any Master can feed those needs at least to some extent. A Master who truly takes responsibility for girl, for knowing girl and guiding her, is much harder to come by, and she is thankful for Master Randall and what W/we have.