
the picture in my profile is not me. it's a pic of the doll that i was told i look like i'm joining this site because right now i'm feeling things and i'm looking for people interested in sex dolls. maybe friends or mentors or teachers or something else. i don't know what for. to know each other. to exhange ideas of course maybe something else too. because a man told me that i look like a doll he bought. i believed it was not true but he showed her or it in his computer so i believe he told truth. i don't look like her exactly. i think his doll could look like a sister. he told me what he does to her while he showed to me her pics in computer. first i left but now i'm interested on this somehow sorry my mind is confused now but i hope i can clarify it for myself and i can clarify my profile i think i have realizaed one of the reasons because i feel so pushed to this. doll owners or some doll owners see their dolls like living girls. when he talked to me i felt his doll like a living girl. sorta real sister or relative or part of my family. so i feel pushed to know her. that's not the reason because i felt wet of course