I had a very strange experience on the train the other day and it was quite unexpected but very interesting. Travelling on the train from "The North" down to London I experienced totally awful service. The lady who was serving the carriage had clearly taken a real disliking to me for some reason. Instead of the cup of coffee I got almost half a cup of coffee; instead of the smile and the polite encouragement to have hot food and a little bit of cake that every other passenger got I was told I was having a sandwich and that was that! It was very, very strange, I was most definitely singled out for some reason but that wasn't the strangest thing. No, the strangest thing was that it turned me on. I think I may well be the very first man in history to have been aroused by poor service!
The point of all is this is that it got me to thinking that I'd really rather like to meet a woman who is willing to treat me like that in the bedroom. Being pinned against the wall, feeling your hands press against me face and to feel your warm breath on my skin as you press against me and force me down onto my knees. The brush of your breasts against me, you holding my head back and then the warm, awful feeling of your spit as you spit on my face. Perhaps you'd slap me around a bit and then push me to the floor and sit on my face? Really, it isn't about what I want'd be all about what you want. I suppose the short version is I want to be sexually bullied by a woman. I'm not looking for an escort, or to register for anther website (sorry but I don't need to advertise to find either of those things) but just a real woman who is into being the boss in a very real, aggressive way.