I like to flirt with disaster. Then wrestle disaster to the ground and make her my bitch. I am Brilliant, Brash, Insouciant, and "Intense" -- whatever that means. I'm peter pan in wolfs clothing dressed in a business suit going to a ball to fight a banker win the girl reject the princess kill the dragon and make off with all your base... are belong to me. I crack the shell of social veneer on a daily basis. Peering inside to knit form and function from the gooey mess that is the human heart. I try very hard to avoid being in any way reductive or underbearing. *** I have high standards and great expectations. I don't settle, and I don't do compromise. I want what I want, and I generally get it. I am an INTJ In exchange, I offer strength, sanity, stability, and loyalty like nothing you've known. I'm an expert problem solver, and I eat other people's drama for breakfast. I am fearless, unshakable, and can wear your "baggage" as a fucking necklace. Above all: I will think so that you can feel. *** I have oodles of Cognitive flexibility I am manifold I'm too peremptory for friends. I'm a wrecking ball of mindfuckery I'm an iconoclast religiously