
? Well, you probably aren't interested in me, but here goes, anyway. As mentioned above, I'm male, 22, a student and an introvert. A total procrastinator. I'd love to think of myself as slightly geeky/nerdy, but in all probability I'd come across as dorky if you met me :P Pray that you don't, you'll be scarred for life. And not physically! I'm a bird/bugwatcher, and really passionate about photography, mainly of birds and bugs and nature. [Photographing people makes me kinda nervous and shy but I'm working on it, slowly?:P ] I also ready a lot, mostly fantasy these days.. (Unashamedly escapist!). I love listening to music, particularly in languages I haven't heard before. <3 Evanescence and Gregorian, Celtic and Tibetan. Love animations and NatGeo. Xkcd and phdcomics. Omegle. Deviantart. Interested in learning programming, singing, digital art and statistics. To be truthful, I'm interested in more things than are probably good for me. :P ? However, what I have found out in my time in bdsm is that it's really intriguing for me to control someone else, and be responsible for them. I believe that the gift of submission comes with a lot of responsibility owed - and I love that. Caring for someone in my control is a sobering experience, and something I really really like, so I'm willing to put in the effort to explore, learn and grow for this. ? Things I'm interested in - well that's evolving. ?<3 huggles. Talking all day. Chatting about everything and anything, not necessarily naughty stuff. Control and feedback gives me warm fuzzies. The Daddy/babygirl dynamic interests me, (apart from the terminology, which makes me a bit uncomfortable). <3 Mindgasms. Did I mention huggles? ? In BDSM, Primarily I am looking for friends. Can't stress that enough. I love listening, observing, absorbing, imbibing. Hit me with all you've got. I'd love to hear from you. :) I am also looking for someone who's willing to be a friend first, and submissive second. I'd like to talk and get to know her outside the bdsm ambit, her interests, life and what makes her tick, and simply be a willing ear however I can. Similarly, I want to share my life with her too. ? There. I said a lot. I'd love to say more, if you want to listen. I'd love to hear back from you, regardless of what you think. I don't have much to lose, apart from my sanity. And I I don't have that much sanity to begin with!