
should be able to give as much heart and soul in the relationship as i do. Understanding, communication, respect, and forgiveness are the key elements, that makes a loving relationship grow on. Judgements and resentments destroy good things and should be avoided. An unforgiving nature perpetuates a 'cycle of destruction'. Forgiveness is more than just the courtesy of saying sorry.. It also encompasses an understanding of events and the ability to let them go forever; without which a verbal apology really means nothing. Forgiveness is necessary in any relationship, when things come up (as they always will) and is one of the cornerstones to every happy relationship. Communication is just as important. My soul mate will be sweet and polite. He will be affectionate and quite passionate.He would prefer to talk through problems rather than escalate fights. He would appreciate how special i would make him feel, and even return the feeling

In this day and age everyone is rushing,
It is so hard to have patience in our life today,
We need to slow down and really enjoy each moment,
We need to also include God in our life and pray,

'We all want to have immediate results,
Patience is learned it doesn't come with us when we're born,
Be patient and consistent in all your efforts,
Then you won't feel so forlorn.

Patience needs endurance, and perseverance,
You need to keep at reinforcing your patience you know,,
Any new idea or worthwhile endeavor,
Generally takes time to see if it comes about, that's so,

With patience you can find that your life is much better,
You can accept many things easily when they come your way,
You can cultivate patience, the choice is yours,
Be sure to keep focused on God, He'll help you