I am looking for a lodger to live rent free, in return for service.
The deal is simple, I am looking for a girl aged (pref) 18-30 with a submissive streak. I am not seeking to control every area of your life (yet) and you will be allowed to continue with your job/studies/other responsibilities. Although living rent free you will be expected to contribute to household expenses, including food. In return for living rent free, you will abide by the following house rules:

1) You will serve me in the hours you are not at work, unless agreed otherwise. This service will take the form of domestic chores, sexual activites or other tasks at my discretion.

2) You will be allowed 1-2 nights a week off (at my discretion) during which you may socialise with friends, see family etc.

3) When in the home you will wear only what I deam appropriate, typically underwear. You will be expected to use some of the money saved on rent to purchase new outfits.

4) You will sleep only with me. This means I will not force you to sleep with anyone and you will not sleep with anyone in your social time. All sexual activity will be safe.

5) You will adress me as Sir and only speak when spoken to during your service time. I will refer to you as I see fit. Outside of service time we will address each other in the socially appropriate manner.

6) Sexual activity and punishment will be carried out within agreed limits and with a safe word if required.

7) Failure to abide by these rules will lead to appropriate punishment or dismissal.

Other rules may be added depending how the situation unfolds.

I am fairly new to the scene however have some experience, I see this as an opportunity to develop my dominance and creativity. This would be a good arrangement for a girl new to the scene who wishes for it to not to dominate her life and for it to remain discrete.

I am not cruel and do not get pleasure from inflicting pain undeservedly. Instead I get pleasure from having a girl serve me, from watching and touching her and reacting to her responses.

I am also interested in chatting and potentially meeting people for casual or regular sessions without the live-in component.