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Parker Posey "anything less then extraordinary is a complete waste of time"!
10/23/2013 1:34:47 PM

Scarlett: What are you doing?
Rhett Butler: I'm leaving you, my dear. All you need now is a divorce and your dreams of Ashley can come true.
Scarlett: Oh, no! No, you're wrong, terribly wrong! I don't want a divorce. Oh Rhett, but I knew tonight, when I... when I knew I loved you, I ran home to tell you, oh darling, darling!
Rhett Butler: Please don't go on with this, Leave us some dignity to remember out of our marriage. Spare us this last.
Scarlett: This last? Oh Rhett, do listen to me, I must have loved you for years, only I was such a stupid fool, I didn't know it. Please believe me, you must care! Melly said you did.
Rhett Butler: I believe you. What about Ashley Wilkes?
Scarlett: I... I never really loved Ashley.
Rhett Butler: You certainly gave a good imitation of it, up till this morning. No Scarlett, I tried everything. If you'd only met me half way, even when I came back from London.
Scarlett: I was so glad to see you. I was, Rhett, but you were so nasty.
Rhett Butler: And then when you were sick, it was all my fault... I hoped against hope that you'd call for me, but you didn't.
Scarlett: I wanted you. I wanted you desperately but I didn't think you wanted me.
Rhett Butler: It seems we've been at cross purposes, doesn't it? But it's no use now. As long as there was Bonnie, there was a chance that we might be happy. I liked to think that Bonnie was you, a little girl again, before the war, and poverty had done things to you. She was so like you, and I could pet her, and spoil her, as I wanted to spoil you. But when she went, she took everything.
Scarlett: Oh, Rhett, Rhett please don't say that. I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry for everything.
Rhett Butler: My darling, you're such a child. You think that by saying, "I'm sorry," all the past can be corrected. Here, take my handkerchief. Never, at any crisis of your life, have I known you to have a handkerchief.
Scarlett: Rhett! Rhett, where are you going?
Rhett Butler: I'm going back to Charleston, back where I belong.
Scarlett: Please, please take me with you!
Rhett Butler: No, I'm through with everything here. I want peace. I want to see if somewhere there isn't something left in life of charm and grace. Do you know what I'm talking about?
Scarlett: No! I only know that I love you.
Rhett Butler: That's your misfortune.
[Rhett turns to walk down the stairs]
Scarlett: Oh, Rhett!
[Scarlett watches Rhett walk to the door]
Scarlett: Rhett!
[runs down the stairs after Rhett]
Scarlett: Rhett, Rhett!
[catches him as he's walking out the front door]
Scarlett: Rhett... if you go, where shall I go, what shall I do?
Rhett Butler: Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.
[Rhett walks off into the fog]

11/19/2012 7:20:26 PM

You can choose a ready guide in some celestial voice. 
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice. 
You can choose from phantom fears and kindness that can kill; 
I will choose a path that's clear- 
I will choose Free Will.

1/26/2012 10:26:15 AM

You know I'm born to lose, and gambling's for fools, But that's the way I like it baby, I don't wanna live for ever, 

1/21/2012 5:14:35 AM

A boombox can change the world
You gotta know your limits with a boombox
This was a cautionary tale
A boombox is not a toy

1/13/2012 7:19:24 AM

Do you bury me when I'm gone? 
Do you teach me while I'm here? 
Just as soon as I belong, 
Then it's time I disappear.


Not my fav song but a good chorus 

1/12/2012 12:52:57 PM

Right now I feel like Bens Folds Rocking the Suburb's.