9/24/2011 8:26:15 PM

I recently acquired a sub boy who wants to be whored out on cam. Today this dumb cunt LadyKey asks me for his contact info. So I ask what she will generally be doing and how long she will be in the session for. She says she wants to put him in chastity. Obviously this is my sub and if he goes in my chastity it is my decision. So after telling her no, she randomly asks if I'm at home. I say yes. And then she asks me to voice verify. Obviously if this cunt wants to take my sub and put him in chastity and I also said no, im not going to fucking call her. So I block the bitch. Then she puts a catch a fraud out saying that she asked me to voice verify and said that I said my sub boyfriend would verify. Obviously not what happened and I have the log showing this didn't happen. I thought that doms on here had the respect to not try and steal someone else's sub.