Hello All, I like to keep things simple, if after reading what I wrote, your intrigue by me, then to learn more about me all you got to do is speak. Although I have my hands in different things involving bdsm, my main focal point would be 1950's household. I like the whole sub/slave stays home, cooks,clean an etc all while wearing her nice dress and making sure she looks good when daddy comes home. Well with that said, being that now adays we have machines that wash dishes and other machines that make life easier, I would expect my lil future sub/slave to have hobbies to keep them busy because a lazy sub/slave is a worthless sub/slave or I will find something for them to do in order to make them into a better sub/slave, such as taking dance classes to entertain me or massage class to help relax either way it will help her become a better woman meant to serve me. Anyways, that is like the basic part of me, if you wish to get a more in depth view, then all you have to do is speak.