I'm on my knees with my wa$$et shoved in my mouth. Do not worry, I took the cc out of course. I'm what you would call a loser pay piggy. I literally cannot cum without a Goddess taking from me. It is sad, I know. However, I cannot control my submissive ways. I crave being used and humiliated. And when a domme sees my penis, she'll know why I need to be used. I have been told it looks like a gross little anteater before and also a turtleneck. Anyways, whether I am pathetic or not, what matters is: YOU are what matters, not me. I know I am an object. I NEED to obey. I say this all because I know my place. However, I am not looking for a domme that takes once and then vanishes. I do not want free cam time, although I do think a domme must be verified before she starts raping my wa$$et. I do believe we must understand what each other want out of the relationship before continuing however. Anyways, if you like what you read or want to know more, please write me. Thank you and hopefully I will see you smile and laugh as I oink..