I'm a 31 year old guy who's lived a very unconventional life. Lived in Saudi Arabia for a few years, hitch-hiked across Europe a couple of times, stuff like that. I've had a handful of slave girls over the last 10 years.

I'm currently living in West Palm Beach, FL with my servant girl. I'm looking for interesting friends & lovers to help keep life interesting.

1/13/2012 4:42:17 AM

I do not want a relationship with an equal.  I want a relationship with a subordinate.


I want to own a harem of beautiful women, whose sole purpose in life, is to work together in their shared goal to satisfy my every sexual desire.  I want to be like the pharoh's of old.  I want satisfaction and hard work.  I want power, to influence events in my life, and the lives of others.

I do not apologize for that.  I do not think it is wrong for me to want these things.  I think it is right for me to pursue what I truly want.  My purpose in life is the satisfaction of my own, benevolent desires.  Desires for myself and for the world.

I wish harm upon no one.  And I take pride to not hurt any innocents in the pursuit of my desires.   I wish to live and let live, in harmony with all my surrounds.  But let those who see fit to cross me know, they shall live to regret it!

I owe allegiance to no one more than myself.  I command of an army of one, I live how I want to live. 


When I see what I want, I shall I take it...


-Declaration of the Modern Man, annonymous

6/13/2010 8:40:30 AM
Hmmm...  I think its time for a major change in my life.  Right now I am thinking I'd like to pack up and move to Thailand, teach English as a second language.  Or maybe Saudi Arabia.

I want to go somewhere warm, where the culture is TOTALLY different than the USA, I want to see the world from a radically different point of view.

...and as always, I want be somewhere where the women are warm and sweet. 
4/24/2010 9:29:10 PM
I'm realizing I have a darker nature than I care to admit.

I wish to utterly take control of women, if I had been born in a different time and place, I think most of my ethical systems would have been ignored.

It seems as if what I consider right and wrong are just things I was taught, and I am not naturally inclined to do them.  Indeed my natural urge is to seize women and ravage them.   And I must resist this urge at all times... or at least at most times, until I deem it the proper moment to "go caveman."

What a troubling thought.
4/13/2010 12:09:21 AM
Wow... it turns out a lot of the people who post in the Message boards here are kinda dicks.  lol
4/12/2010 4:06:17 PM
I have been reading the Arabian Nights lately. There are so many stories about the emperor taking a common girl to be his consort. The girls submit entirely to emperor and feel lucky that he chose to take her from her old life and allow her to be his slave. There is never one second in these where it occurs to either of them to ask the girls consent, rather the girl is living the dream all girls in her country dream of, she is overjoyed to have her freedom taken away. She feels blessed that the emperor enslaved her. The man has omnipotent power over the women in these stories. The women totally accept their fate and accept that the empeorar can and should do whatever he wants to her. This is so amazing to me. All my life had this mantra of "equality" drilled into my head, so Dominance and submission became a forbidden taboo a "kinky" thing that must be hidden. But in the Arabian Nights, a story well over 1000 years old, submission is such a natural thing for women that it does not occur to anyone to question it. I long for that kind of intimacy. I long to be able to fully live out my desire to utterly strip a woman of her freedom, and to feel no guilt for it, but know that she adores being my slave. In the modern world, is such a thing posible? I think not. Not in the same way at least. I live by a strict moral code, my morality utterly forbids me to enslave a woman who wants to be free instead. I could not live with myself if I did that, I'd feel terrible. I enjoy so much utterly dominating a woman, yet I am always so careful to hold back, especially when I am in public. The restraint is maddening. But the escape in this story... the idea of being able to take and break a free woman, without any guilt or worry, to fully embrace the idea that all women would want to be slaves... wow. It takes me away to a wondrous mythic world that probably never existed. But its peaceful there. And its beautiful. Has anyone else read the Arabian Nights?
4/12/2010 10:53:07 AM

"I seek a girl that wishes to serve and explore. One who is flexible in situations, curious about new places and peoples, is not a complainer and who loves serving a responsible, experienced wordly man. She must be healthy, not addicted, have a passport, a smile and a good attitude.

I like ownership, responsibility, being served and growing a girl. I am even tempered but know what I want and expect excellence in service. I take care of my woman and love eroticism."

This really speaks to me, it was written by someone else, its sums up how I feel as well, very succinctly.

4/12/2010 1:09:02 AM
I'm feeling very sadistic right now.  I wish I had a girl to punish.  :-)
4/7/2010 1:09:53 AM
I'm just gonna say it. I set the rules in my long term relationships. That is never going to change. I will often seek the opinons and consent of the girl or girls I am with before I make the decisions. But the buck stops with me. If I make a rule and you choose not to follow it, then you choose to go find yourself a different relationship. Its that simple. This 2010 in America, ACTUAL slavery is illegal (and it should be) what I do is consensual, I am not going to kidnap you and physically force you to obey my rules. But i know exactly what I want, and if my vision of how a relationship should go does not mesh with a girls, then we shouldn't be together. People who do not like being told what to do should not date me. :-) That is one of my main criteria for serious long-term relationships. Now flings, or play partners or just friends are a totally different story. I've had plenty of sexual partners who I did not physically dominate. But when I get emotionally invested in some one, if the relationship is going to mean anything to me. I will take control. That's just the way I am.