
WearMeBaby - photo 1

Currently Busy

I wish to clearify in advance, so that those looking for anything different may ignore this profile.

I am NOT looking for a BDSM-relationship of any kind, not a BDSM-slave or any form of sexual service or exchange.
I am looking for true (although consensual) slavery, traditional slavery if you will where there is no room for fantasies and games.

Although I am aware that this webside is mainly directed to the BDSM-crowd and aims to adress those of deviating sexual nature, It is so far the closest I have come to that which I am looking for.

Troughout history, traditional slavery has played an important role for us humans. It has been practiced in many different ways.

Some slaves were treated like vermin and could suffer severe physical, emotional and psychological abuse while expected to work hard with little rest. Death was present and a definate alternative for those who failed to please their owners or even for pure entertainment.

Other slaves became treasured members of the household with great priveledges many born slaves could never imagine.
What every slave had in common however was their slave status. No matter how priveledged some were while others suffered, they were all at the grace of an owner that had no obligations towards their slaves that were kept alive solely for the pleasures of their master.

This is the kind of slave I desire, one that is willing and daring to give up their entire life for this opportunity that will appeal to a very small ammount of submissives. This individual would live completely at my mercy, this means I have the right to abuse, but not the obligation. A slave should not expect any particular treatment, whether kind or cruel, but expect nothing and anything as it is the owner that decide what should and should not be done.
I would like to think of myself as a generally civil individual, I have no strong urge to inflict pain and humiliation to my property on a daily basis. My reasons are simple, I wish to improve the life of myself and those I care about.

Any slave of mine is a slave of the entire household, a slave can be passed on by heredity, should the original owner loose their life. Should such a situation ever occur, it is up to the heir to decide wether the slave is to be kept, given away, sold or thrown away (released) as it has, by entering a slave-position given up all of its previous human rights.

As time passes by it keeps growing, this stranger feeling, it is something so ugly yet endlessly beautiful. I am very young and verdant. A slumbering lake, ocean without motion. It is so easy, wanting to get in, inside my head ~sans retour~.
But I am a disaster, irreliable, unpredictable and devouring. My personality is in constant motion, contradicting itself, like two antipoles. I am a loner, unsociable and secluded, very withdrawn and scorn by humanity.

But at times I am also very sociable, somewhat outgoing even and people-loving. And the thought of expanding my micro-circle of aquaintances appeals to me as much as it repels me.

I am not the usual dandy, hear and wonder, my body was made for hard labour. A warrior at heart, I am not afraid to get dirt under my nails, but I like being pretty too. Then there is this thing inside of me, I am not sure I know the best way to handle it.

But I feel it crawl under my skin. The more time goes by, the stronger a feeling. This I know. I am gentle and kind, but this just a part of me.

If you wish to get in contact with me, naturally after reading my entire profile and keeping in mind the essentials, do not hesitate. In my opinion it is not intrusive for the inferior to approach the Superior, to me it is very natural, though I keep in mind that inferiors can be of different nature. Some are of herbivore like the horse that was captured by man and tamed, others are carny-omnivores like the dog that approached man and tamed itself. If you are of the opinion that it is inappropriate behaviour despite being interested in getting to know me, consider this message an invitation in itself. If my profile appeals to you, and you believe our personalities to be a match, this invitation is as valid as if I would have contacted you myself. And my profile should be enough detailed to give you a little hint of what I am looking for. But Do read my entire profile before contacting me so that you know what you are getting yourself into while I am not looking for anything lesser than I have advertised for. I am not a Domme or a Mistress, I am however very determined and I never give up, I am stubborn and persistent, unconventionally dominant perhaps.

Please do not refer to me as a Domme or Domina and do not adress me as Mistress, I consider these terms sexually loaded and highly inappropriate considering my preferred lifestyle. If anything I prefer terms such as Ma'am, Madame or the usually more age-appropriate Miss/Mlle.
My wish is to be as clear and straightforward as possible in order to find exactly what I am looking for, therefore this profile will be under permanent construction and change as I grow within myself. While BDSM in itself is not yet accepted by the majority of people my mind stretches further and to another direction. In my mind is the idea of real slave labour, and I believe this might not even be generally accepted in the underground scene. It is to me of little interest, what others prefer and/or not, unless we are of similar preference. I respect the need of each and every individual and I have no wish to discuss wether my drive as you may call it is of moral defensibility. I already know it is not in common opinion. I am against forcefully enslaving any humanbeing with a distinct need for personal freedom and with the wish to live a fully functional live. I do believe however that a small ammount of the population are born with one sole purpose; a lifetime of servitute. It is their primary instinct and their mind will find no rest until they are made useful. Even if this is not something that they neccesarily want, they still know it's what completes them in their existence. It is not controlled by a sexual drive or any kind of emotional gap that needs to be filled with something, nor a form of self-punishment. You didn't turn out this way because of how life shaped you, you were born this way and it is the fundament of your design. Many people are submissive by nature, they enjoy submitting to another being, creating a bond of trust and perhaps are even looking for the partner of a lifetime. Others are slaves to the extreme who like to be degraded beyond recognition, whipped without mercy, spat on or even go as far as to being used for waste disposal. What many of these slaves and submissives have in common though is the wish or need for sexual gratification and/or mental stimulation. Many if not all are sexually driven at some counter, and as perfectly fine as this is, it is not what I am looking for.
I don't care about your sexual functions, I don't have time to care about it, you can be whatever you want as long as your number one priority would remain being available and servile.
I am not a tool for sexual gratification, neither am I trying to find a tool for my own sexual gratification.
I am also not looking for a trash bin or a punch bag.
To me, the perfect slave does not crave to be humiliated or have pain inflicted to him, his only wish is to give himself up to a Superior being and live under her for as long as she wants him. -I already have a fiancé that means everything to me. Whatever happens between the two of us, it is a relationship of giving and taking. As my inferior you will not in any way stand between me and the one I love, not even in your mind. My need for love is fullfilled and am not looking for a secondary partner. -I already have a good friend, also here a relationship of giving and taking. We live together, we have fun together. My need for conventional friendship is fulfilled. -I already have a dog. He is obedient and well behaved for the most part, a beautiful, loving animal that completes my need to give affection towards an indiviual who requires care and regular supervision. I feed him, I walk him, I play with him, train him and I pet him. He melts my heart with his purity, he loves me unconditionally and does what he can to keep me happy. It is my duty to keep him mentally and physically stimulated trough mind games and exercise. Yet again, a relationship of giving and taking. My need to nurture is fulfilled, and I am not looking for someone to supervise. I have everything I could imagine to satisfybasic needs. Yet it is not enough. As my inferior, you are expected to be at my service at any time I ask for it, you are also expected to stay out of my way whenever you are not needed. I will be your only Superior, but you are still expected to show respect for the people around me. I will begin to describe my ideal world. 1. Slave.

  • I would gradually, or immediately take full control over your life. Whatever needs I have will be your highest priority. A slave must be prepared to surrender everything that is important to him, including his life. Because he is a slave and not a servant, he has no rights at all.
  • I rule over your mind, and your interests must never interfere with mine. I control you to any degree I find neccesary. But I can also excuse you if I wish to, even a slave have an inner life.
  • A slave cannot own. A slave with posessions is not a slave at all. Upon giving your life in the hands of another, all your belongings will naturally transfer unto your new owner.
  • It is unnatural for a slave to be hired under someone else than his Superior, the ideal situation is always working under his own Superior. If are your self-employed, I will be your new boss. Alternative solutions are possible, but if you are to keep your job, it will be monitored by me.
  • Your will, submitted to me.
  • Your wishes and wants are not my responsibility, I can grant you a wish if I want it myself, but it is not my duty.
  • I will decide what you will wear and what you will not.
  • At any time, I may rent you out, sell you further, give you away or even release you. Upon possible release, I will make an individual decision wether I leave you stone-broke or with a startup-kit.
Or to simplify; a slave. A slave gives up their freedom and exist for the sole purpose; a lifetime of servitude and complete submission towards their owner, and does so with full consciousness and awareness of the consequences. Once made into property, without the ability to question or regret. A slave that does not identify as a humanbeing but as an object to bring ease to its owners life. A lifetime of servitute in which the owner has no obligations towards the slave, just as an owner has no obligation towards a TV, a sofa or a table. The only reason for maintaining the item in a usable condition is to prolong it's useability because it would be more favourable to me.
Being an object, whenever not needed, also not looked after. This kind of person does not only give up their humanity, but they are not neccesarily a living being at all as much as an object. If there is only one out of 10.000 people with this mind then I am looking for that one.
I am not limited in my search.

I would like to once again inform anyone that I am not entirely healthy. My mental state is in constant motion and I might even label myself moderately insane without adding the obliged smiley at the end of this sentence. I have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder which will explain my sudden inactivity versus activity on this site. It reflects my own personal life. This is for me not a problem so great that it keeps me from writing this profile and withstanding my state that this is indeed what I am looking for. But if this "disability" of mine creates a problem for you, please continue in your search for something/someone else. The slave that I am looking for, like a program does not interfere with my personality. What I am trying to say is that I am not cutely insane or amazingly crazy, my condition is an ugly truth and nothing more. Though it does not bother me, I am quite comfortable being myself, besides, I hardly notice how my state of mind affects others. I have now warned you a second time. Genious Human today - abulic slave tomorrow It does not matter, wether I be ugly or beautiful, skinny or fat, rich or poor, dumb or smart, dirty or clean, strong or weak. You are but a piece of property and have are not entitled to the common pick and choose. It does not matter, wether you be ugly or beautiful, skinny or fat, rich or poor, dumb or smart, dirty or clean, strong or weak, I am the owner of the property that is you, and I will not consider your PRE-slave abilities. A slave is not more valuable because he has some good attributes, in the end, it is the Superior alone who decides the worth of the inferior.
Whatever is in your posession, material or non material will be disclaimed upon a contract of pure and utter submission. You will no longer be the successful and influencial man you once were as all human rights will be rejected.
Once you have given up your humanity, I rule over you, and if I chose to treat you kindly, it is my full right to do so, but you have no reason to expect it aswell as you have no reason to expect anything.
2. Servant. A servants obligations would be likeworthy to those of a slave. However he would be highly regarded, and may give orders to the slave as long as those orders do not intervene with those given by the head of the household. A servant can come in different forms and are exampled as, but not limited to for example a butler, body guard, assistant or a housemaid. A servant is always entitled to proper food and proper clothing and will not be beaten or humiliated at any time. They are considered humanbeings, still with the sole purpose of serving. Servants can also serve as part-timers where they live a normal life outside their servitude but visit the household on a regular basis. They might also recieve an extremely moderate sallary of for example 1 cent an hour but only for symbolic purpose as to reinact the existence of wage slaves. A servants contract may be modified to include absolute hard limits or time limited servitude while that of a slave will not be limited or modified in any way. A servant would be an appreciated and highly regarded part of the household.
They can, based on the content of the contract be entitled to vacation, free time or any other forms of moveability. The most imortant factor for a servant is that their service is based on the willingness to serve and devotion towards the head of the household, while the slave only gives their freedom up once and thereafter might be forever enslaved with loyality forced upon them. A servant takes pride in their work.
A servant is not obliged to give up themselves or their property to their Superior. But they will nevertheless remain inferior and docile at all times.
But in the very end, the only important difference between the servant and the slave is the fact that a servant is free to walk away.
I am not interested in other peoples genitalia or penetrateable areas, neither am I easily impessed by volontary nudity in general as it should be a method used to keep the inferior part controlled, rather as an expression of self gratification. I wish to avoid forming relationships with active paedo- and/or zoophiles. Whatever goes on inside your mind is one thing, everything is allowed in the world of imagination, but hurting an animal or a child should never be considered acceptable. I would also like to inform you that I am not a peacock, and I am not going to try to court you or dance for you in order to awake your interest, as it should be awoken by our mutual goals. My english is far from perfect as it is not my mother tounge, however I am enough familiar with the language that I am able to communicate freely. It might however happen that I make up sentences that make no sence to the native speaker or that there are single words I do not understand, if so, I will look it up in a dictionary. I am neccesarily not looking for a mindless object, but your opinions and/or values must never interfere with my wishes.

I am particularly fond of unconventional beauty, french accent and good manners. A combination of the three is nothing I expect, but the last criteria should not be too hard to live up to.
Age is of no importance to me, maturity is. Should you be unable to live up to my expectations but still wish to surrender to me, I could take you into consideration, but you would be nothing but a slave among slaves.

I want something extraordinary.
There is a lot of filth out in the world, and I am not desperate to uncover it. A hog without any shame is useless as a servant as any pain inflicted or humiliation given would result in pleasure to this kind of male.

I am still very young, and I'd like to remain that way.
What I want in a servant is someone who is truly loyal to me, who does for me what I desire, not only because I want it, but because he wants it, and because I am the only one he would like to serve. What I want in a slave is complete unquestionable submission, no opinions, no consideration, no freedom, no expectations, no nothing.

Another thing worth mentioning is that it is often hard to keep apart fantasy and reality. What I write here are my dreams, but more importantly than anything else would be to find someone that understands me and who I understand. I still feel it is important to like each other, because I would feel uncomfortable having someone I didn't like in my home.

I have a lot of dreams, and if I find what I am looking for here, I hope we could make dreams into reality together.

Lastly, and probably most importantly. I am no Queen of pain or humiliation. My goals and purposes are not to hurt another being for my own pleasure. My goals and purposes are to fullfill my dreams and find someone who can ease my mind. The very best things would be if our goals are somewhat similar, at least enough that you could enjoy the results of whatever production I would start.

I am dreaming about an utopia, but I believe the only way to make it real would be with people of different rank living together. Not neccesarily in the same household, but in a small community or something like that.
I am not looking for a cult however. Once again, I have no need in me to punish and humiliate, as a slave or servant you are not my goal, but the tool towards my goals. And I wish to treat you nicely. I am also preferably polite, I see no reason why a Superior cannot apologize or be kind, politeness is a virtue. But I wish also to give mysef the room to be rude if I should feel like being rude, and taking out my anger rather on a slave than someone I care about.
Trust is essential.

If you have an indecent picture on your profile, showing your opening, genitals or naked body, I will never be able to look at you as a human being. And I have no reason to humiliate in order to punish. Already as a result of this choice you have qualified as what I have mentioned before, a slave among slaves and nothing more.
"But when you have already done such a thing out of free will, humiliated yourself willingly in front of anyone on the Internet, then what use is it for me to do the same? IF I was to have you undress yourself, I still see no pleasure in doing so to your own amusement. If I was to humiliate you, I'd want it to hurt, I'd wish to deprave you of your pride and dignity, not please you. I want to take it away from you, as to keep the meaning of a punishment alive. It is of no use to make a monkey out of a monkey."
I want you, as a servant to be aware of yourself and what you are worth, because you are after all going to be worth the labour you are able to perform. I don't want you to think of yourself as a useless humanbeing to begin with, but only that you are in every way inferior to me. If I punish you, I would do it because it needs to be done, not because it pleases me. And you agree to anything I want you to do, not because you specifically want it, but because I have asked you to do it. -As my main servant you need to have self respect, I need to know that you wouldn't run after any intimidating woman asking to lick their feet. -But as a "worthless" and objectified slave, or untouchable if you will, whatever is kept hidden in your mind, I cannot know, just don't bring your filth into my home.
I am not interested in flirting or courting a slave, neither will I try to "earn" your submission, then my whole point gets lost. I believe in chemistry, if it's there, we will notice it in the beginning, and whatever is there will grow stronger with time. I want to feel something other than repulsion, I don't need to spit in your face or call you names, it's not part of my personality. If it exists, someone out there that feels the way I do, feel free to contact me.
I am quite gentle. I can be very nice and pleasant, but sometimes I am not.
I originally want to treat my underling as a humanbeing, but if it comes to a certain point, as hard as it may be for me, with grief in my heart I might be required to dehumanize you. If it comes to this point, you would have to accept your punishment, still with gratitude in your heart.


2/10/2013 7:02:58 AM

Good Afternoon.


I do believe that you have covered most of what I have written. There are minor details you might have read into which are not neccesarily correct, I have no actual plans or needs as I know at this moment on taking out my stress and/or anger on my domestic servant. It is however a possibility, as is everything.
The most important thing to remember is that as a candidate of mine there can be no expectations whatsoever regarding the possible treatment or conditions in which my future servant would live under.

The overall experience could vary from fairly pleasant to horrific, or just plain and mundane. There are no guarantees or promises, any expectations or wishes to fulfill.

As long as a candidate is fully aware of this, pretty much everything is covered.

Or, as another candidate put it down in words...

"Wether you would become poor or homeless, I would still be your slave"


It seems to be that you have understood the most important aspects.



I read that you are in hopes that I will make your life border on misery and drudgery that I will create on a daily basis.
Please do keep in mind that it is not my purpose or intention to make your life as miserable as possible. My purpose and intention is to complete my own existence, to live as I believe I was meant to. If that is mutual, and the other part is in return completed, that is clearly a positive thing to me. As I like to believe in faith and purpose, and that we are simply tying two very extreme ends together, creating perfect harmony.

By this I mean that, if your life as a domestic servant is a miserable one, that is due to your own state of mind, not my attemts to make it so.
Wether you be happy or sad is not up to me, but I do hope that as a house slave, you will be able to experience some form of happiness and fullfillment, even from performing the most basic and mundane tasks


But yes, I am definately looking for unconditional servitude, a slave bound to his principles and willingness to please. And this is why I am also very selective, naturally I could never trust someone with an unstabile life who potentially could just be looking for a way to escape his otherweise miserable surroundings. I am looking for a misfit with enough reasons to be satisfied, no other gap to fill than this one strong desire.



Yes, I believe most people have an instinctive morality in terms of how to treat another humanbeing. Most people who lack it are also willing of depriving unwilling candidates I believe.

I have a very strong sense of right and wrong, still, when it is something mutual things are entirely different. As a slave you have one choice, freedom or enslavement. I see no reason for me to start asking questions once the candidate has made that choice, because if he chooses enslavement, there is no room for wants, needs or fears.



2/9/2013 4:42:02 PM

I brought myself to answer another mail today.


"Good Evening.


Do forgive my late reply.


My profile is as much of an invitation as it is a warning, I would say it depends on the mindset of the one reading it.


Indeed I would value the presence of someone sane in my life, I must honestly say I have not come across one of interest, yet.


Eternity is no more an illusion than everything else that may or may not surround us. Surely, we do not have the answers, and when we think we do, even more questions arise. I am living this life at this moment, and in a way, the very future is an illusion too as I do not know what awaits me. I do not know what may horrors or pleasures may lure around the corner. I could stop breathing tomorrow, I could be alive for another 300 years. Things that have not yet been experienced do not leave out any possibilities.
What I am saying is that I have things in my life that come and go, and then I have things that are as constant as my very self. And surely I can loose it, but it is as likely or as unlikely, depending on how you see it, as that I would loose myself. Things that have become a part of my very construction simply cannot disappear without ripping my very self apart. And I am not speaking of heartaches and grief, rather I am speaking in a litteral way. As I would not be me, did I not believe in things eternal.


I cannot recall using the word "hate" in my profile, that is, typing those letters in with my hands. I have answered to those questionares where you can state "Loves, Likes, Curious, Dislikes, Hates and Hardlimits" etcetera, but those are not my own words of course. Perhaps I have misunderstood your sentence?


Age is nothing but a bunch of boring numbers and reasons for people to build up prejudice, age does not concern me in the least. Rather health state, maturity etcetera.



2/9/2013 4:24:55 PM

I figured I would take myself the liberty to start posting some of my replies on mails I have recieved, for anyone that is interested. Whoever is not interested need not read.
My idea is that it is a good way for me to share my thoughts, since I often put down alot of them into my responses. The ones I am going to post here anyway. It might just be this one, we will see.


"Good Evening.


I am pleased to see that my profile, though very cluttered, has caught your attention.


As you understand, what I seek is a life-experience so rare, I have mere hopes of actually establishing such a relationship within the nearest future.

Rare enough is finding a willing candidate, even more uncommon, finding someone who will actually stand by their words and lastly, but very importantly, having that candidate be someone can actually feel comfortable with, as chemistry is very important to me, even if is a mere house slave.

I have understood it from your profile that activities listed are simply suggestions rather than requests? What I am looking for is a house slave, nothing more, nothing less. I will not engage in any sexual activity, not even with purpose of humiliation. Nor will I participate in any kind of filthy play, including golden showers.
I am however willing to control the sexual activity of a house slave, the same way a human controls the sexual activity of a dog, which could or could not include castration. What it means is that the house slave, just like a dog, is expected to behave themselves and have very limited ability to release themselves, should the owner find that the sex drive of the slave is a liability, castration would be an absolute must.


I am very interested in discussing the matter futher with this candidate. I prefer to answer any questions and solve any problems before meeting in real as I prefer writing over talking.


You can therefore add me to *** if you have it at ***. If you do not have ***, it can easily be installed.



I would like to inform you once more, in case you have missed it from my text that my mental state is not stabile. I am perfectly aware of myself and my surrounding, but at times I do exprience severe mood swings and even change of personality. I have however come to a point where I am comfortable as I am however perfectly aware that others may disagree.

I am not a particularly pleasant person, quite uncomfortable in fact, what I am trying to say is that I am not a very likeable person, not that I have a problem with that either. It is just that my personality type fits a very small ammount of people, which makes it even more special when I manage to find a person that I can stand and that can also stand me.


9/21/2012 3:08:18 AM

If I have not replied, I do apologize. Sometimes the limitations in my mind gets the better of me.


However I am tired.

Tired of mundane tasks of everyday life that I fail to complete.

Tired of rebels who rebel for the sake of being rebellions.

Tired of compulsive thoughts that consume me and rob me of my inner core.

Tired of seeing people no matter where I go.

I am tired, but not resentful. Tired of myself and of others. I need a change but there is no motion.



Rant of today, you're welcome.

6/28/2012 10:03:57 AM

To own someone, a real person. Not a spitoon or an old rug, but a real person.

Someone meaningful.

To take your humanity and dissolve it.

Being careless and never bother.


I want you to be beautiful, even if I'd sometimes make you feel ugly.

I want you to be loveable even though I will never love you.


You would be special, but never let it get the best of you.

Your high expectations, only regarding yourself.



Perverts need not apply.


Am I asking for too much, something impossible?


Then again I always believed even the impossible to be possible.

3/22/2012 4:20:10 PM

I have overcopied a very long and thorough message by accident. Very uninspiring. This time I will write it in a textfile.

I only hope I still have words left to express my thoughts.

I suppose this is very bad, upsetting indeed.

I am tired. 

3/16/2012 5:30:42 PM

As if there was no river to quench this thirst, no cure, to the loneliness of my heart.

3/10/2012 4:51:28 PM

If I reject someone, I will do it clearly but politely. So if I am not answering mails, even not in a long time, it's because I am busy and not because I am uninterested. Unless of course, your message was random and unpersonal, then it really depends on my mood, wether I bother to answer or not.

I am rconsidering someone right now, and these things take time for me because I focus on details before I focus on the whole. Try building a house without plans or structure.
This is why I am slow, because this is for me a very serious matter, nothing to just jump head first into.

In the future, the plan would be having a group of inferiors, so recruiting one does not exclude the possibility of recruiting others in the future. Also a small test in patience for those out there I suppose.


I am tired now. 

3/10/2012 4:39:02 PM

Time wasters and fakes?
Am I the only one tired of this expression? It just seems so boring to me. It feels as if there should be less of them than people actually believe, after all, how many people can be here only to waste others and their own time?
I wonder if it's people who have been rejected, or for any other reason didn't have their expactations met, and then they decide that the other part must be either a time waster or a fake, or even both.
And even for those who actually are wasting peoples time by too much dreaming and little action, and those who actually are dishonest.
Time waster. Fake. It sounds so boring. What about Dreamers and Pretenders?
Then people don't have to have such boring, sad words on their profile like "I'm not a fake or a time waster" Even so, these words mean nothing unless you can proove it I guess, and it takes time to proove something I suppose.


I think it would be easier if people spent time on their profiles instead, and asked the people to read it trough. To elliminate the random-messages. It kind of worked for me. Because if I recieve a standard-message instead of a personal one now, I can be pretty sure they are not for me.

Personal, specific messages. It impresses me.

3/10/2012 4:31:11 PM

When it's dark outside, everything seems smaller. It's like walking trough different rooms, and the feeling that nothing can hurt you. I feel stronger and faster and more alert. I think night time is the best.

3/4/2012 9:25:01 AM



It has happened more than once that I am asked to please not apologize or to please not say thank you when writing mails to inferiors.

I understand this is told with best intentions, and I respect that. But I must say it is up to me to decide what is appropriate and what is not. As for me, I take myself the liberty to apologize or thank whenever I feel it is motivated, I do believe in good manners regardless of position and thus I see no reason why I should limit myself only because it may not be the standard for a Superior with a humble way of expressing themselves.

When speaking about professional career for example, what kind of Superior is unable to apologize to or thank their inferior workers? In my idea, an obnoxious one, someone who is so insecure in him or herself he or she feels that apologizing or thanking would adventure their high status.


I understand that there is a difference between professional career and this kind of lifestyle since the workers are doing their job only to benefit from it economically, and not out of loyality towards their Superior. At the same time I believe that if the Superior shows humanity he or she will easilier gain the trust of his/her workers and also genuine respect.


The reason I am using expression of politeness however is a personal choice. I take pride in my good manners, and I apologize even to a bush if I accidentenly break of a branch.

3/4/2012 5:25:59 AM

The problem I seem to be having is that I have an easy time writing electronic letters, clearing my mind and sharing my thoughts. However if I was put in a situation where I am expected to give an instant reply, such as in a chatroom, on the phone or especially in real life, I am easily distracted. I believe it has to do with my need for response, disliking the idea of talking to a wall. If I write someone a letter, I will get an answer, and usually the letter will comfirm the things I have said, and have a certain level of content. Because if I put alot of time and thought into it, it is only natural that I want a response. If I instead get a short and null answer, I can immediately assume that this person is not my type, because they had the chance to read the letter at their own pace, and could have waited with the reply until they were in the mood to reply. While in instant conversation, the other person has no chance to wait for a better time, and it is natural that a conversation isn't always flowing. Still I dislike the idea, and even with people I know very well, I am easily discouraged if such a situation occurs, and disappointed they didn't put more effort in their reply.

So, I suppose I wanted to write this in informational purpose because for a stranger, my personality can vary greatly wether it is online or in real life. Upon meeting in real, I easily appear very uncociable and inside my own mind. While, once you get to know me in real life, my personality would return much to the original online-persona. However it also depends on the personality of the one I am to meet, I will naturally respond negatively to a silent and expressionless person. At the same time I will respond negatively to someone who is very loud and pertruding. I guess there must be a balance of giving and taking, silence isn't always a bad thing while blankness is.


I wish there was a commenting function on journals because I always like reading about other peoples thoughts on things I write. And it would be the easiest if you were able to comment immediately below the subject because mailing about every little detail doesn't seem so effective.


Personally, I feel the best way of getting to know about someone is by discussing different topics, I feel the personality type I go along with well is one that, regardless of opinions is always open for new ideas, and does not reject an idea just because it appears morally wrong or inapropriate, but rather asks about something and likes to find out more.

I should like to use an example. If I was to say something really offensive, like "I don't like black people". (still note that I do not judge by color and this is just an example)

The kind of personality I do not go well with is one that immediately sais: "You are a racist, hateful and judgemental." These kind of people will immediately respond to anything they find offensive like a rabid dog, and there is no end to their ranting and no way reasoning with such a person.

The kind of personality I do go well with would instead invite to a discussion, perhaps stating that they do not see the the logic in my statement, or even straight out mention that they find it very offensive, but would still be willing to discuss the topic. After all, people make mistakes, and I have not met a single individual who is completely free of errors and prejudice. On the contrary I have met alot of people that take themselves far too seriously, and think too highly about their own sense of moral and justice. These people are the most narrowminded and even stupid people I have ever come across. Because they leave no room for others to correct their errors.


I don't mind surrounding myself with the dumb, but I don't want to be anywhere near someone stupid.


My example of someone dumb:

During a lecture in class about African culture, and differences between the different countries this person stands up in the classroom and sais "There ELECTRICITY in Africa?!?"


All this person needs is education, they are unaware but open to new information. I dislike the idea of judging someone who is simply mis- or underinformed. Everything you know, you know it because someone has taught you, or because you have in any other way experienced it. Sure, you can make assumptions, but it can never become a fact until it has been proven with solid information.


My example of someone stupid:


Situation: This person reads in the newspaper that this one political party has decided to close down their female-oriented subgroup in the party, and instead focus on direct gender equality. The idea behind this decision is that true gender equality can only be aquired if men and women participate on equal premises, and keeping a female-only group in modern days would further encourage the washy opinion that women are of the weaker gender.
The immediate response of the stupid person would be that the party consists of a bounch of haters of women and that the goal of their politics is to opress the female gender.

This person needs nothing more than the information presented in the article in order to make a healthy and correct response. They already have all the information they need in front of them, the suggestion to begin with, and an argument to support the suggestion.

Agree or disagree.

They can easily make a decision as to wether they think that this is a bad or a good way of reaching the goal of gender equality, but I can think of no excuse to come with false accusations and use emotional argumentation in this case. If you disagree with someone, why not simply come with a better suggestion instead of spattering the person?

3/4/2012 3:54:17 AM

Come to think about it, it is easy to include other people when dividing people into shapes.

Me being of triangular shape, impossible to top. Sure, you could sit and balance on the top of my head for a while, if you are quite the acrobat, but anything that sits on an unsteady ground is going to come off eventually. Even if you were to turn my world, or me upside down, and I was to stand on my head, unable to think of whatever it may be, sooner or later I would fall back to the most natural position, as would any triangular person.


Then there are the absolute normal people, they would be quadratic, a form of social community kind of people, all striving towards the same goal. They use themselves as some form of bricks to build their way forward, upwards or whichever it may be, anyone can be the foundation, anyone can reach the top. They are often seen in daily life working under a triangular person.


Circular people are loners, they never let anyone close enough to start building something, you can't expect them to be cooperative,since they wish to be left alone. They can be very hard working and succesful, only they are very independent so they are less likely to end up bossing over a bunch of people than just minding their own buissness, wether it be privately or in the professional carreer. They sure are useful, put them in a row together and they could practically move mountains. But they are less likely to put themselves into such a situation. Though it is interesting how they will never be placed above anyone else, but always on the bottom, despite this, they are the ones making things happen, and though people might not notice, in such a situation, they are the ones making the major decisions too.


Needless to say, triangular and circular people are not a very good match. Still they are to me the most fashinating and very interesting.


That was it for now, I just like writing down my thoughts somewhere, so I thought why not here, where people can actually have the chance to get to know me better.
I wonder if things I say make any sense at all, or if it is only in my head. I hope it makes sense, I know my fiancé thinks so. Come to think of it, I don't know in which cathegory to place him. 

3/2/2012 9:18:19 AM

Humans are masters of exploitation; we exploit the earth, we exploit the animals, we exploit each other. Most of the time we exploit those who incapable of escaping this situation, and those people have usually never made the choice to be exploited.

I would say it is more or less impossible to walz trough life without taking advantage of another being, be it humans, plants or animals. My goal however is to be as fair as I personally possibly can, and not take advantage of anyone unless neccesary.
The very best thing would be finding people willing to be exploited, that way I can focus more on being kind to those who have no wish being treated as a lesser human being.

A dream of mine is to own a farm, and there will be animals and plants on that farm. The truth is, I don't keep those animals to do them a favour, I do it because it will be an advantage for me to feed and shelter them. I will use their by-products and their meat, in their mind they live for themselves, but their lives usually all end the same way, on the plate.
It seems cruel to me, and I have wide plans as to how to make their life as enjoyable and fair as possible, just because I use them for my own gain, does not mean I need to inflict any unnecesary pain or stress on them. I wish to own big farmland where they will roam free, they will volontarily keep themselves close to me because I will provide them with food and protection against rain and snow.

It is against my belief to strap an animal up defensless as to cut their throat while they bleed out in agony, still fighting for their life. It is to me, much more humane if I would shoot them in their heart or head and make death quick and unexpected.



We buy products from all over the world, never really considering where it comes from. Cheap meat, cheap fruit, cheap vegetables, cheap grains... And we want it that way right? Cheap and preferably with acceptable quality. But who pays the price? If we get something from so far away for such a low price, someone must have paid the price for our greed and pennycounting.
And the truth is that we expoit people from the third world no less than we exploit our cattle, our actions can be reflected upon everything "weaker" that we come across yet we rant about moral and justice. Do we truly know what justice is?

I used to think my looking for a slave was morally undefenseable, but I have come to change my mind. I would only be exploiting someone that has already asked to be exploited, nothing more.
It is far more morally correct of me to do this, than when I buy factory-farmed meat in the grocery store, or if I buy cheap bananas. No matter what I do, someone will have to pay the price. So I start off here by being entirely honest, I am at least partially aware of the consequenses my way of living will have for other people and what kind of impact it will have on this earth. And being aware is a great start. Being aware does not mean I will turn myself into someone who is in complete sync with the nature, but it means I am able to forsee the result of my actions, and make choices to minimize the damage. At the same time I would be able to turn it into something that would be both profitable for me, and somewhat morally defenceable.


I am truly hoping that someone out there reads my entries with interest as they reflect part of my thinking. And hopefully someone agrees with me. And miraculously perhaps, we could form a sort of friendship on the way. Feel free to contact me. 

3/2/2012 5:58:41 AM

There are times I fall, and I loose myself. In a world full of equals I think it is sometimeshard for me to exist. I wish I was perfect in the presence of the few that I love, but in a world of equals it has become very problematic for me.


I would say it is probably as much of an emotional need as a practical one, someone of lower rank than myself, a form of confidant. I cannot put the pressure of my chaotic self on someone that exsists beside me, it wouldn't be fair.


People don't have to be equal to be equaly valuable. If I find someone who will exsist for me the way I want them to, they would eventually become very important to me. Sure, never as important as my equals, but it also depends on how you see it.
I love someone more than I love the food I eat, that which keeps me alive, still I cannot live without the food, physically. And having someone under me, would become an important tool to help me get trough the day.


I am so confused, there is so much in my mind, but on the outside I am just another humanbeing. I only exist fully in my mind, and I am not someone who can walk into a room and make a great impression. I don't do the social part, so I hope to find someone that sees me and not my actions. There is a difference, there will always be a difference. People don't always act what they are. Good people can do bad, and bad people can do good. And what is good and what is bad? I know the way I see it, and it's valid for me, the base of my life is myself to begin with. And I wish to surround myself with people who are like me or who appreciate what is me.

I am not a rock, my hands are not iron. I am gentle, shy, careful, suspicious, mistrusting but also naive, overly trusting, headstrong and striving. It is only that I don't always function. And I wish to make this very clear, because I need any person to know in advance, can you handle a person that is partially dysfunctional? I am not talking about physical dysfunction as I am very able, but not always capable of controlling what is in my mind.


Friendship, in a way it is important though I am not looking for a friend. Or who am I kidding?
I guess I am also looking for a friend, wether you have a submissive or Dominant persona, if you feel what I feel, see what I see, perhaps I would make a good friend.

I am looking for people, many people. I wish to build up a community isolated from society, have I said this before? Probably.
Still, it is a major goal in my life.

I am much of an idealist, yet idealism terrifies me. I don't want a cult.

Rudolf Steiner fashinates me as much as he scares me. And I want things to be laid back yet striving towards a better world.


Yes, I want a friend, or perhaps many.

I am actively looking for people of all kinds who have the same goals as me, together we could buy land and build up some sort of self-sufficient community. But it is so easy to find the wrong people. I am hoping to find the right ones.

I also find it hard to believe that in a world like this, where things aren't equal, equality would work. Not even in a small community. The best thing would be if people have the rank that suits them, people who have more and people who have less influence.
I think we need the balance, Superior and inferior people, different personalities, diversity, this kind of diversity. It could possibly be a solid foundation.

We need the foundation, the walls and the roof. The higher up on the pyramid you are, the harder you fall. But every part is needed. Maybe I am making very little sense, but I hope not. 

3/2/2012 3:46:06 AM

I am back, after almost half a year. Hoping to find a closure to my search.


There is a definate hiearchy in every construction, and I can look at myself as being this pyramid or anything of triangular shape. I stand alone as that triangle without the actual need for anything else, I am my own base, middle and top, and each stands for different parts of my mind or even body. It can be interpreted into almost anything. And in this text I am going to use the pyramid/triangle as the norm to describe a certain type of people, and let us pretend that anything that isn't a pyramid/triangle is incomplete. Feel free to either agree or disagree, but this is the way I look at it.

With the possibility to build myself up by adding other constuctions blow me such as a base and a middle, it is important to look at the construction of each part, the top of the pyramid is as we know in itself a pyramid, in reality I am independent, while the base and the middle is incomplete, but without the middle and the bottom of the pyramid, I would not be on the top of anything, just a sole pyramid standing on my on. It is fully possible, but I feel the higher I can reach, the more I prefer it. 

The bottom of the pyramid is the foundation, and though it has no top in itself, it is stable ground. I am not stable ground myself. I am just a top on a pyramid, that could stand on it's on, but it's not as much fun, so I am looking for a foundation and a middle part I suppose, or the foundation in itself could be both that and the middle. It's a topic that could be discussed for from different angles and point of views, and I find it very interesting objectifying life as it is often very relevant.


This also means that the inferior person is in no way insignificant. And a slave is never useless, I cannot stress it enough. A slave is always something useful. And I find it sad if the Superior doesn't have the means to fully appreciate the priveledge, once owning a real life slave. It is a beautiful gift, to surrender your humanity and yourself to another being.
I know my standards are extremely high, and I don't expect to find what I am looking for around the corner, but I will not loose hope in doing so. 


I am hoping to find someone to share my dreams somehow, even if it is from different directions.



I was never meant for this world, not in it's current shape. I wish to isolate myself from what has become of the world, and live on my own conditions, an outcast of society, self sufficient in some ways. A small community I suppose, where people have their own agreements and understand their own purpose.
Everyone can choose to begin with, do you wish to be at the top of a pyramid, or do you wish to be the foundation that enables all the work of the one above you?
It's your choice. 

6/27/2011 3:58:47 PM

Been there, came back. I have tried to reply to some mails. Now I will leave again, tomorrow I suppose. I don't know for how long I will be gone, last time wasn't at all as long as I expected.

6/10/2011 4:07:47 PM

I will be gone for a couple of weeks, where I won't have access to any form of communication. Plane lifts tomorrow.


Live well.

6/5/2011 4:41:23 AM

It is part of my belief that every being, living or non-living needs a purpose. Everything else is a waste.


Like an empty can of tuna in the woods, a humanbeing unable to fullfil their purpose is a sanitary problem. I want to recycle that can of tuna, clean it, turn it into something beautiful.

5/30/2011 5:40:47 AM

I have poor communication skills and very little interest thereof. Nevertheless, I wish our first encounter to go smoothly, as I will not put effort into making conversation with a stranger due to my lack of basic social skills. I wish to get along with whomever I plan on meeting on a pre-physical encunter. As mentioned before, the cog wheel effect is essential.


I am not looking for someone whose life I can destroy. No matter how strange it may seem, I am not a sadist. I am looking for someone whose purpose I will enable, who will in return complete my desires. My purpose is not to fullfill another beings purpose, my purpose is to complete myself, but the goal is doing so by fulfilling the purpose of the other person. It is the uncontrollable drive inside of me that pushes me into my search.


What is a human worth? It is not a question about value, as all humanbeings can be alike yet serve different purposes as they stand on different steps on the staircase. Each and every step needs to be filled and by that kind of thinking, no human is worth more or less than the other. The base of a construction is needed in order to keep the building stabile and intact, the same can apply for humanbeings that serve different purposes. This text is filled with repetitions and I do prefer it that way. The bullet proof vest serves the purpose of saving it's carriers life, and while in service has the same value as the human itself as the humans life would most likely not be saved without the vest. Yet the vest isonly valuable, and serves it's sole purpose while attatched to a human being, it has no purpose on it's own. The same will apply to human beings with different purposes.


These are some of my ideas, and if we have come to a silent agreement I shall be looking forward to hearing from you.

5/29/2011 2:28:53 PM

The unavoidable factor is my responsibility to find myself a perfectly designed object. One that will be able to handle me and my demands as I do not want to ruin the life of a person who is only confused and was never meant for a lifetime of imprisonment and unconditional servitude.

We all know it make sense, it's my one and single devotion, you do not pick a weak dog for military service.

And as my responsibility ends once a contract has been signed, I am extra critical about this point until all paperwork has been taken care of.

5/29/2011 12:36:32 PM

After sending an email to a possible applicant I will post part of it's content here as I consider it relevant, aswell as adding on whatever I think needs to be added.



I would like to clearify to all "useless slaves" out there that there is no such thing as a useless slave. As cute as it might be, referring to oneself as useless in order to further clearify their low status, it is not a correct term.

A useless slave is not a slave at all since the entire purpose for a slave is to make themselves useful.

Ofcourse when applied under different conditions such as "useless as a humanbeing" or "useless as a companion" the whole statement starts making sense. However there can not be such a thing as a useless slave, nobody wants a useless slave simply because they are useless. Perhaps worhless in general, if the slavekeeper owns a numerous ammount of slaves, thus he or she can choose to discard of any slave at any moment. But for a slavekeeper who is keeping only one or two slaves, each one of them have a certain value. They are worth their labour, as with any property that serves a purpose. Luckily a slave is more of an investment, like real estate that gains value over the years if properly taken care of. Unlike a car which market value decreases drastically during the first few years, and in the end, any reparation made is only based on its sentimental value as a car of the same age and label would be cheaper than the reparation.
So it all depends on wether you are a spender or a keeper.



And as for the previous message, it may be considered a warning.


The life of my future slave will be a hard life, it will be worse than any prison I can think of, both mentally and physically exhausting and may result in permanent mental damage. As a prison is only an institution in which nameless individuals also known as guards patrol around, possibly making orders, the inmate is seldomly forced to live close upon these guards and if building up a relationship at all, it is more probably with another inmate, and you will have things in common. Possibly hating on the guards.

The situation of modern slave labour is different, as you are making one last choice of your own in your entire lifetime, that choice is to give up your identity as a human being and submit your entire will to another individual.

No matter what cruelty you are put trough, it was your own choice in the beginning, and wou will be unable to create the same kind of protection as a slave in the 18th and 19th senture might have been able to. With dreams and hope of freedom, as they were victims of a cruel trade, while you, slave and object, bound by a contract can never begin to plan or dream of your escape.

You are held against your will, yet, it was your will, and now you suddenly have no will.
I, as a future slavekeeper can never begin to imagine the hardship such an individual will go trough.


It's life will vary from being very stimulating, to mundane and boring, as it's only purpose will be to serve and I will not take action in order to keep the slave busy or entertained whenever I have no need for it's services. I will have no shame in front of it as I have no shame in front of my furniture, there will be no efforts made to control my temper or personality at any time.


I see it as my obligation to inform that any applicant should take into consideration that it is not a good idea to jump into this kind of relationship with the expectation that in any way it will be a pleasant journey. Fullfilling at most, but mainly exhausting, excruciating, and unpleasant.


Please do not rush into this if the thought of being a no-limit-slave makes you horny, you will not be horny forever, and when the lust wears off you will be in more trouble than you could ever have imagined.

It is not a "job" for people who enjoy being tortured or kept in captivity, but only for someone that knows they have no other purpose in life than to exist for someone else.

5/28/2011 4:08:58 PM

Right now.


I am living in a regular 3-room appartment in the outskirts Berlin with my husband to be and a good friend of ours. Nothing fancy. Unfortunitely there is no basement or attic at my disposal as the one we have is shared with other tenants.

Both are aware of my preferred lifestyle, and they both accept my choices. I wish to clearify that I am not living alone and even though my closest companions will have full knowledge of the situation, discretion is expected. Their acceptance does not equal approval, and they may not share my interests entirely. As a house slave, you will respect the entire household and act in such a way, that you may never become a liability.

You may have to stand for your own housing until earning trust and approval from the entire household.


In the future I have plans on owning a small, old fashioned farm. My slave would work there as a stooge, milking the cows my hand, shuffeling shit and keeping the animals clean, well fed and happy. The slave would, suitably enough live in the piggery during longer periods of time. I would care less for the slaves comfort but more for it's health and safety as it benefits me to have a strong and healthy yes-man at my feet.

Slave would wear a permanent chastity belt to prevent the slightest risk of it, out of desperation as it gets no other sexual release, fornicating with the poor animals.


I reserve myself the right to reward my slave to encourage better labour, as did some slave keepers in the real world.

Rewards could be handed out as extra treats in shapes of bread crumbs shared with the pultry, discarded fresh salat, cookie crumbs spilled in the sofa and other delicious treats.

Rewards could however also be a nice, warm dinner, being allowed to sleep in a bed or a compliment.
The inferior must be prepared for anything as I have no reason to be cruel just for the fun of it as cruelity is only a tool to shape the inferior into anything I want.

5/25/2011 2:10:26 AM

I would not say I am a firm believer in female supremacy, I never really got the point of it to be honest. I believe all people are made equal, or with the ability to deserve equal rights. Then again not all individuals can be consider people, but in the very beginning, the choice is your own, for the most part.


It might be fun to call someone a dog or a pig or whichever it might be, still it would make me wrong because I already have a dog, and he would ofcourse be treatened better than a slave would. I guess it creates a small problem, but I guess it has to be the same as with "humans", some are people, some are not.

3/9/2011 5:34:57 AM

Anyone that gladly show off their (often erect) genitals on this site would probably serve better as prostitutes than domestic servants.

I do not want to play games with you, but I sincerely hope you will find someone that will.