

Beneath The Veils

What wonder lies beneath the silken veneer of those gossamer layer’s, hiding emotions so carefully kept from a casual glance.

Only those who seek to know, carefully peel the layers away, ever so slowly as they test the turbulent waters that exist behind walls so thin yet defined by the very essence of their presence. Who would tempt fate, scale the walls, take that chance?

What manner of Man are You, that you find yourself captured by the mystery, curious enough to draw close? Do you wonder what brought this woman you watch to encompass Her existence sheathed in cumbersome robes, tantalizing hints of Her true nature and personality emerging momentarily only to be quickly hidden once again from prying eyes.

Slaves draw the instant attention of Men, their very presence daring the Master to look to the girl’s neck, contemplating a kol`ar there, desire of ownership filling a Man’s senses. Watching her struggle, knowing the
Out - come, no matter how much she shies.

Many wonder the mind of a Free Woman, knowing they watch the struggles between a Man and a slave, but few ponder the thoughts and feelings of those Beneath the Veil. They assume jealousy, they assume many things, but they do not know, are not sure, what lies silent. Only those few who’s curiosity and interest, daring and tenacious contemplation will ever know the truth of a Free Woman. Only He who is enticed by the mystery will let His eye’s wander past a slave’s to bury them in the silent depth’s of lashes lifted, eyes, that lift to meet His.

What manner of Man searches Beneath the Veils…

Written by Timbra