
I'm Joe, currently 20 and working as a motion designer and compositor. Basically, i create and edit videos and animations for clients.

I love my media, anything to do with Film and TV I like to get involved and comment on it, and yes I am an avid BluRay fan!

I love my Doctor Who and am very geeky with technology and sci fi... but it's 2010... Geek is Sheek right?

When it comes to music I love my Rock, metal, Dum n Bass, Dubstep, Mash-ups, Dance, Pop... anything except RnB really...

Food = Italian. NUFF Said.

Currently looking for someone who will treat me right, and not mess be about. Trust me when i say I've had a few of those... not fun I tell ya!

SO yeah... message me if you wanna know more or chat or whatever... I reply to all :)