
A la recherche d une nouvelle soumise ( exprimente ou non ) pour relation TPE 36524


Looking for a new submissive ( experimented or not ) for full-time TPE

Not interested by men, CD to TV


Les reponses aux courriers, meme negatives, sont appreciees, ne serait-ce que pour le respect que se doit d avoir une soumise envers le dominant qui la contacte.


Responses to mails, even negative, are appreciated, just for the respect that must have the submissive to the dominant who contact her.
8/10/2023 6:59:23 PM

I begin to be tired of all these person, called "slave" with absolutly no basic education.

These ones who suddenly stop all dialog without explaination, ignoring you ... but read the mail who send them !


So, the first lesson to all those who pretend to be slave, or submissive, will be :  

When a Dom or Domme talk to you, you have to answer and a negative, but polite, answer can always be possible.