Whip-cracking is that: thonged lightning making the leanest thunder.   ... And that/ is a temple yard that will bear more cleansing/ before, through droughts and barracks, those/ lax, quiet-speaking sudden fellows/ emerge where skill unbraids from death/ and mastering, in Saint Mary's Street.  Les Murray.

The kiss of the whip.  It can be pure joy and ultimate torment.  I seek to give my soul to one who would whish deliver that exquisite pain.  I seek to give my soul to one whose absolute cruelty will draw me ever closer to them.  Tortured, humiliated but treasured.  I wish to please that one.

'A stone, a leaf an unfound door ...' what can be opened up when the soul is laid bare. 

I am experienced in many things, bdsm and others.  How do measure experience, desire?  I can't answer that.  I very much like receiving pain but have learnt that it is so much better when receiving from someone who doesn't merely want to wound my flesh but peer into my darkness.