
I'm primarily looking for a live-in situation or a FLR (female-led relationship). This is not merely about kinky activities, I am aware of the amount of effort that such an arrangement or relationship requires in order to work and I intend to completely dedicate myself to it, submit and give up control. I am willing to relocate and find a job elsewhere if something meaningful develops. Of course there are several levels of female-led relationships so ideally it would start as a vanilla one and slowly develop up to a level of control we're both comfortable with. ? I'm originally from Europe, I have a master's degree in telecom engineering and I have a professional job. I enjoy staying active and informed, I work out regularly and I love traveling. I realize this descr.iption is not exhaustive but I don't feel comfortable sharing more details publicly. However, I'll be happy to answer any questions you have. ? Please meet the following requirement: IQ => 115 && BF% <= 30% I don't mind significantly contributing financially but I'm not anyone's "ATM" or "Pay Pig". ?