
Hello Miss I am new but willing to learn, bondage exites me, I'm looking for the right woman who can put me in my place. -Vanilla- I like to play guitar, sing (Karaoke, randomly), learning to skateboard, curious to learn new languages. I am an aspiring actor I dont know how well i perform but people like my performances. I am intelligent and funny, also quite random and strange. I am quite nerdy I like Starwars and video games (stereotypical nerdy things). My philosophy is: "Today is tomorrow's yesterday." - If you want an explanation message me asking about it. I look forward to talking to you. Until then I bid you adieu.
10/31/2013 11:26:14 AM

Happy Halloween!!

8/31/2013 1:08:53 AM

Have you ever met someone who you connected to, and you get that fuzziness in your stomach even though you haven't actually seen them face to face, or actually heard their voice. You refresh over and over hoping to see "New message!". I'm having that kind of thing right now :3