
I am proud of my Englishness. I have been lucky enough to experience what would be considered a privileged upbringing and the trappings of being part of a family that could trace its bloodline back for generations.

I was packed off to Boarding School at a young age, followed by Finishing School and of course University. I grew up in the type of institutions that propagate the importance of discipline, duty and an eye for detail. These are lessons and ideals that have been ever present and continue to shape my life.

As a girl maturing into a young lady I quickly learnt the power of one’s own sexuality, recognizing the influence it can wield. The sheer eroticism of the Power exchange taking place in my life was always beckoning me to a life of Female Supremacy.


Allowing individuals, submissive or otherwise, into my world is part of the journey. A vocation potentially, where expenses are covered, but the reward to you for pleasing me should be euphoric.