To meet me, you would never guess that lurking beneath this nice guy exterior lies a sadist, ready to inflict both pain and pleasure on one within my grip. A woman, tied up or tied down, is a brain with a nervous system attached. Rapture, pleasure, deprivation, discomfort, and pain are all just information before the senses. If I can control the input, I can master the output. And I will ensure she knows what hit her -- Me, the Sadist no one expects.

In Greensboro, NC, I am a student in a pharmacy technician program, having left my previous life as a professional computer geek. Culturally, pop- and otherwise, I enjoy Harry Potter, some anime, Beethoven, Weird Al, Something*Positive, Questionable Content, Oglaf, PDQ Bach, Liszt, D&D, biking as transportation, and photography (specializing in moving lights). For those that get it, even this dominant color scheme is a reference to an older computing standard. Yes, I'm a geek, but an intelligent, cultured, and often silly one. Outside.