
So what am i looking for? A sub to connect and serve me.
3/25/2017 2:08:34 AM
Using toys? 5 important tips to make the best of it Your sub is your priceless possession. Your sub expects you to use and love them at same time. Sharing your kinks and executing them can be fun but we need to keep things in mind. If you start to take your kink seriously, you are going to end up with an assortment of toys, tools, and props. Treat this with respect, and follow these tips: Know how to use your toys properly, their limits, and all applicable safety measures. Clean all toys before and after every use. Keep toys organised and stored properly, like a mechanic?s tools. They are not all thrown into a pile somewhere. Keep all locks locked (including handcuffs) at all times. This way you will always be sure you have the keys before using the item. Don?t hide your toys away. If you are proud of what you do, you will have no reason to hide your tools. At the same time you don?t see a mechanic storing his wrenches on the mantle. Have pride, but don?t flaunt. A final note: if you are doing anything kinky or even remotely dangerous, be sure to have a safeword. The majority of the kink community uses Yellow (for slow down, ease off) and Red (for stop right now, this is bad). Do you have any other tips to follow?Feel free to comment here so people can know more Cheers
3/17/2017 6:40:48 PM
Things are pretty crazy as no one is interested into real relationships Everyone jUST prefer online. How can i Trust anyone who is sitting and talking behind a computer screen. I am still hoping to find my real baby girl/sub whom i can love.