
OK there are a few things that I must get out of the way here first.

1. If you think that I am a switch .... keep walking because you will not get past go

2. If you are looking for someone that you can cause drama with or whine to ... keep walking because you will not get past go

I am not looking for anything at this time, but friends. If you are looking for more then I am sorry. Friends are where things start with me, you want to get past go then keep this in mind. I am not in to people that want to play head games or can not tell me exactly what they want. If this is to much for you then all I can say is sorry and have a nice day!
3/29/2006 5:09:02 PM
well I guess people got my hint.  I am not a big bitch but have not tolarence for people that can't understand that I have my standards.
1/14/2006 4:04:31 PM
OK is it just me or can some people not get in through thier small brains that I am not looking for anything more then friends!  I have just decided that I am going to delete all the messages that can not take this into account.  So if you message me and I don't write back you will know why.