I was wondering if anyone out there might be seeking an Ancient Dom? I know my best years are all in my distant past, nevertheless, I have never quite been able to walk away from BDSM even after all these years. It still remains a part of me, like a tiny current of electricity which can be switched on and off at will Anyhow, I just thought that if there is someone out there over the age of sixty-five who might enjoy having a Dom friend, then I hope you'll drop me a line. I have led a full and interesting life, but many of my close friends have passed on now, and I find myself increasingly alone and at times lonely too. I am generally considered to be humorous, interesting and personable, but you'll have to make up your own mind about that. Also, I am well educated and still have all of my mental faculties....I think? (:>) So will I ever hear back from you? .