I have little to offer in the way of a sales pitch. Bios are this weird place where you are afforded a self indulgent moment to self promote or assert ones thoughts. In light of this I will tell you my story to give you some insight into the deepest depths of my heart.

Where it all begins:
Let's frame this around kink, it is the reason why I am writing this profile because there is a side of me interested in this expressive world. My earliest memory is discovering a wetsuit in my aunties closet, the smell was intoxicating, I was maybe not even 10, and the thought of putting something on, covering my skin in a second skin was weirdly attractive to me. This is before the sexual world was opened up to me, but the feeling of wanting to put it on and was so alluring. Fast forward a few years and I stumble on a picture of a lady clad in latex with scuba gear on. My two worlds of a humble wetsuit sitting in the closet and the lady now infront of me are colliding.

A tale of two stories:
The sensual world is something so raw and alluring. The dopamine rush you get, the heightened sense of touch, smell and sight. Then the realities of life, of responsibility, security, status and vanilla relationships. These two worlds have been separate to me for my adult life. After two vanilla relationships with trying to introduce a linking for my kink it has become clear that the road to leading a partner to see the world in your mixed reality is a delicate task and something I have not been able to do. My compromising attitude thought optimistically that this would be achieved but I was always longing for more, to have that life partner on my shared journey.

The future:
After trying to blend a vanilla relationship into my open minded mix reality I am now at a juncture in my life, where experience tells me I should try and engage with the kink side of myself and hopefully chart a new future where my two realities can be my one reality. The world of kink is to me an acknowledgement of ones true self. The mechanics of your kink may not necessarily align totally with mine, but I feel like an open minded attitude and a willingness to share the passion of each other is important. I am flexible to meeting like minded people with all different stories and desirers.

I recently heard a quote and it went something like this, 20 years from now you will be more disappointed with the things you didn't do than the thing you did so what are you waiting for !