A Master is not defined by his slave. Simply put, a Master does not need you to be a Master. A Master is defined by himself; his honor and integrity are such that he would still be Master with or without slaves. He has an inner strength, a force in his personality that cannot be denied and he does not need a slave to prove to himself and other men what he already knows in himself to be fact. A slave feels desire with every fiber of herself to be so, she must feel it within the depths of herself, her heart and belly must burn with the desire to serve and be found pleasing. If a girl cannot feel these things, if they are not within her, she is only playing a game, and eventually she will be hurt by her game. There is nothing wrong with saying you can't. There is something wrong with pretending to be what you shall never be and knowing that you are only pretending.
Author Unknown

That about sums it up!