Welcome to my little grey block.

In this block I am to impress and express who, what and why I am?
Well thats just a natural progression of siutations and events that makes someone, so that would be a little hard to type in a box and leave it there for weeks on end.
So rather know some basics:
I am slightly insane...
I have seriously wicked streak..
I drink way to much coffee...
I have a humour thats usually goes right over most peoples heads..
I have been true to myself and my needs since a young teen...
And so on.. the better way to find out who and what I am is to communicate further and stop staring at this blue box!
SO take the leap.... find out more, you may in turn find out more about yourself too.
Are you waiting on something to tell you?
So you dont just sit, be sure you are ready to jump to high, like a fallen angel, for all the angels, dont jump too high.


6/13/2008 1:25:41 AM
Ok... let me go for this!

I wont and I say again, I will not tell you what is in the bag.
 Age: 20