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wytchywoman - photo 1
wytchywoman - photo 2
wytchywoman - photo 3
My alternate account is wytchy. That account was created because the mail function on this, my original account, became unusable. Now that I've cleared that up, on to the important stuff.

I already have an owner so instead of using this space to state what I want, I’m going to approach this backwards and tell everyone what I don’t want.

I don’t want any other dominant or master of any kind at this time. Trust me. I really don’t. Don’t contact me and try to tell me you can change my mind. You can’t. If you ignore this warning and contact me anyway inquiring about how I may be of service to you; you’re running a very high risk of having a virtual hex put on you by the virtual wytch.

Then why am I here, you ask? Fair enough. I’m here to occasionally read and post to the forums. Perhaps to make new friends even. I hope that I’ve made this sufficiently clear. Folks, this is now preserved in black and white on computer screens across the world. Of course, I don’t know why I bother since most people don’t take time to read profile content anyway.

Now I’ll share a secret about me: I don’t always use good judgement in forming even platonic friendships. Bet that surprises you, huh? Oh, it’s probably no surprise that I sometimes display a lack of good judgement, after all most of us do that from time to time. It might, however, surprise you that I’m willing to state that outright and up front for everyone to read about. Well, I’m a masochist, what can I say?

Moving right along here, do not think my sporadic bursts of poor judgement are an invitation to unscrupulous dominants to try to take advantage of my weak minded state. Neither is this a disguised plea for chivalrous dominants to swoop down and offer to save me from myself. I am blessed to have a gallant owner within easy driving distance from me who is more than willing to play the role of an errant Sir Galahad when I’ve dug a deep hole for myself. He has my utmost respect, admiration, love, and gratitude and cannot be replaced by some virtual dominant on the other side of a computer screen.

Still with me? If so, why? I’m just rambling to take up space. Seriously, you can safely stop reading now. Proceed at your own risk if you’re still laboring under the notion that you can change my mind about what I do or do not want.

More importantly, in all seriousness, know that I wish everyone well in finding what he or she individually want and need from this site.

Rather than use a religious reference to this enigmatic phrase, I prefer to use yet another definition for it: "Recovery of something pawned or mortgaged."

"To restore the honor, worth, or reputation."

Pretty straight-forward and simple on the surface at least. I feel fortunate in having my faith restored by people from this site who have offered friendship and wise advice. I have been reminded once again that for every bad experience, the balance of the universe generally provides a silver lining. In my case, I was fortunate to find the counter balance right here on the site where the unfortunate experience occurred.

As my profile makes clear, I am not looking for a dominant at this time. Just friends. I have found many, and am grateful beyond words. It's even nicer that most that have contacted me in the last couple of weeks are local people whom I can meet in real life to share real frienship with. This kind of support is far beyond what can be found on an impersonal forum or behind a keyboard on an instant messenger.

It also requires real honesty. Much needed honesty. I've found it's far too easy for some people to misrepresent themselves behind the anyonymity of a screen name.

Suffice it to say that this wycked wytch has been redeemed through no effort of her own, but rather by the acceptance of those who matter to her, and also by those whose opinions and ideals matter to her.

I continue to believe in honor, integrity and the indomitable human spirit. This site has provided me with access to some much appreciated and very sincere people. My thanks to those who labor to keep it going and strive to keep it as safe as possible.

I had intended to write more tonight, but perhaps the yin and yang aspects would best be served for another entry. So for now, once more, bright blessings.

And - thank you, MasterRedemption for helping to restore my faith. Many more genuine thanks go out to countless others who will also know who they are.
I have to admit I'm more than a bit amused now!

Let's talk a bit more philosophy here:

Guilt is a rope that wears thin.
Ayn Rand
Learn to value yourself, which means: Learn to fight for your happiness.
Ayn Rand
I need no warrant for being, and no word of sanction upon my being. I am the warrant and and the sanction. Ayn Rand, Anthem, 1946

Pride is the recognition of the fact that you are your own highest value and like all of man's values, it has to be earned.
Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged
Rationality is the recoginiton of the fact that nothing can alter the truth and nothing can take precedence over the act of perceiving it.
Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

That which you call your soul or spirit is your consciousness, and that which you call your "free will" is your mind's freedom to think or not, the only will you have, your only freedom, the choice that controls all the choices you make determines your life and your character.
Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged
It is not advisable, James, to venture unsolicited opinions. You should spare yourself the embarassing discovery of their exact value to your listener.
Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged, 1957

The evil of the world is made possible by nothing but the sanction you yourself give it.
Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged, 1957

The spread of evil is the symptom of a vacuum. Whenever evil wins, it is only by default: the moral failure of those that evade the fact that there can be no compromise on basic principles.
Ayn Rand, Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, 1966

The Argument from Intimidation is a confession of intellectual impotence.
Ayn Rand, The Virtue of Selfishness, 1964

Civiliaztion is the process toward a society of privacy. The savage's whole existence is public and ruled by the laws of his tribe. Civilization is the the process of setting man free from men.
Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead (1943)
There is a level of cowardice lower than that of the conformist: the fashionable non-conformist.
Ayn Rand

Oh...I could keep going on and on with this, but why bother? I think that for those of you who have a clue as to what real honor consists of, I've already belabored the point. And aside from talking about "Redemption" which will be the topic of the day for my next journal entry, I am done with this for now.

Bright blessings once more. Lights out for me tonight. Some people will simply never understand the value of true morality.

That doesn't mean I'm willing to let it ride indefinitely. Just that I've had my say for now.

As "they" say, though: Tomorrow is another day.

Once again...bright blessings!



French for "I accuse." The phrase comes from the French author and philosopher, Emile Zola, who successfully showed that French judges responded to the terms of a secret agreement rather than their oaths.

You may wonder why I mention this rather arcane bit of information on a site such as this. It's simple actually. In the last week, attempts have been made to slander and discredit me based on speculation about what my real motives and intentions are.

This entire campaign has been initiated by those who have incomplete information about me and seem to want to deny that I do have insight into areas that some people would rather not admit to, or worse yet, have to acknowledge.

Some prefer to be deceived rather than face the truth. My best wishes to them. In the long run they will live with their decisions and deal with the consequences of their actions.

And for those of you have displayed such a fond affinity for
(drum roll, please):


Happy Wytch Hunting!

Bright blessings

Glowing Testimonial!

It's been reported to me that Collarme has been responsible for an unprecedented and seemingly glorious meeting of a man and woman who have connected here with Guiness World Record breaking speed.

They were first spotted just three or four days ago in their first encounters on the forums. Take heart everyone! It's purportedly true -  they met right here on the CM forums in plain site of everyone and their relationship was such an instant karmic event that she has already relocated to his geographical area and has announced she's under consideration for his collar!

I can't begin to say how very heartwarming this is for me.  This is just the kind of thing that should give us all perpetual hope that everyone here stands an equal chance at such a monumental and life altering event happening right here...yes! Right here in in just a matter of days we could all pack up and geographically locate to another part of the country and begin discussing consideration collars! And with absolutely nothing to go on but a few mails and forum posts exchanged here on site.

Of course, I'd probably be even more enthusiastic about this heart warming tale if I actually believed in the truth of it rather than suspecting it as being an elaborate hoax that's being perpetuated for some perverse reason.

Well, I guess I'm just going to have to work on my attitude so I can get this fortunate. I do need to stop being so realistic after all and learn to enjoy a good fairy tale when it's presented.  

Double, double, toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.

For a charm of powerful trouble, 
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.

A mischief maker come to light 
brings about the greatest blight.

Ah well, now. The truth eventually will be evident.

In the meantime, I'll continue to be around every once in awhile just checking my mail here and staying in touch with friends. Luckily, I don't feel the need to invest my entire life in the forums in order to maintain a presence of some sort. It's enough to have good friends to stay in contact with via the mail system and instant messengers.

Still wishing most of you well, but for those that choose to misjudge me based on untruths and omissions that's your call and no concern of mine. Have tremendous fun!

Ephinanies and priorities:

I have learned several very important lessons in the last two weeks. Sadly, I've become disillusioned by a couple of examples of insincerity, dishonesty, deceit, and hypocrisy. Even sadder for me is that I actually spent time grieving for friendships that I thought might possibly have developed when in reality I had been misled from the start.

I now know that my grief was simply a reaction to the dream of what I wanted the situation to be rather than accepting the fact that the reality was never going to come to fruition and was never intended to be anything more than a game. That seems to be the case very frequently for me. I tend to grieve over the illusion rather that the reality of any given situation. You'd think I'd be old enough to know better by now.

The most recent and even more important lesson I learned is that my life is far too short to waste it here. I've just been released from a five day stay in a cardiac unit and my health is quickly deteriorating. I will rarely be around this site in the future. There are still a handful of people that I consider friends and wish to stay in touch with, but I have no intention of wasting my time in front of a computer screen for hours on end when there's a real world out there to appreciate.

I fully intend to spend what time I have doing something enjoyable and productive to the extent my health will allow and for as long as I can maintain.

I do wish those of you who have been good friends to me all the best. Bright blessings.
This wytch is thankful for the wizards on this site. I didn't expect to meet more than one wizard in my lifetime, but this site proved me wrong.

When wizards and wytches come together, magick is written and lived.
A very wise person that I was chatting with on an instant messenger just shared this thought with me:

"Friends are good, but enemies are better. Only an enemy teaches you who you are or how strong or weak you are."

Thank you for sharing such a profound thought with me. If you read this, you'll know who you are.
Observation by me: If you're hell-bent on trying to attract as many women as possible, you’re more likely to ultimately wind up attracting no one.