ultraviolet7708 - photo 1
ultraviolet7708 - photo 2
ultraviolet7708 - photo 3
If you are looking to find a soul mate or someone to spend the rest of your life with, please move on. This girl is collared, owned and finally wed. If you are searching for a fuck partner, unless you are a single female I suggest you move on as well. I am not for sale, barter or even for loan.


That being said, I am a 28 year old subservient female with a lot of passion for the lifestyle. Having married an otherwise vanilla man, I take comfort in the traditions of our marraige and the daily servitude I possess with him. The lifestyle is near and dear to me as it has taught me the practical application of obedience on a daily basis. It taught me honor and respect, love and devotion.

Along the path to submission, I have lied to many, hurt a few and done some horrible things. But I have ultimately come to the final conclusion that I am an imperfect being and that submission is the only way to improve on myself.

I don't care if you like me. I don't care if you want me. If you think I'm too fat, or short or mouthy, then please move on. But if you're sincere and would like some good intellectual conversation, I am listening.


5/2/2011 7:19:56 PM
1/29/2010 6:01:49 PM
1/12/2010 12:43:44 PM
1/12/2010 12:40:40 PM
 Age: 26