
"she looked delicate, as a diamond can look delicate when preyed upon by the light."
: x

it's like fire, but w/ more walking.

7/5/2017 11:06:56 AM

it's a dark alley, but a familiar one.

3/21/2014 12:28:22 PM

if you were a shark and i was like, into sharks, and i said, "hey, i like the way you circle your prey before the kill," and you said, "cool," that is not an admission of anything beyond a fucked up relationship to exotic seafood.

3/18/2014 6:13:33 AM

"i would love to help you with your secrets."

5/9/2012 10:25:49 AM
.. the sun came out, which is still pretty cool, either way.
2/10/2012 2:04:57 AM

"oh my god, you did it again."

2/8/2012 1:08:11 PM

"i like my name in your mouth."

2/8/2012 8:04:06 AM


"should they whisper false of you,
"never trouble to deny;
"should the words they say be true,
"weep & storm & swear they lie."


2/7/2012 12:23:49 AM

Recent Message History:

 xxxxxx on 2/5/12 at 11:20 AM:

may i just say 3 things

1 what wonderful eyes u have
2 what wonderful hair
3 some one must be so lucky

 xxxxxx on 2/5/12 at 11:24AM:

i am not kind i am the sort of dom u don't want to know but i am honest and felt it needed to be said


2/7/2012 12:13:04 AM


who needs a priest? i have a tumblr.

2/5/2012 8:15:08 AM



2/3/2012 10:48:41 AM

.."it's not an awful secret, you know, it's just a secret"..


2/1/2012 7:27:41 AM


"you're getting into 'spooky-me', now," said the girl who writes to the boy who talks.

1/31/2012 11:43:03 PM


"if we don't end up hooking up, i could see us being friends for a really long time."

1/31/2012 12:04:15 PM


it's hard to explain but.. 

1/28/2012 1:58:15 PM


"i don't write, i talk."

1/16/2012 6:52:56 AM


what is it w/ you people & yahoo mssg'er? 

1/15/2012 11:56:40 AM


"ohh, so that's how white people live." 



4/25/2011 2:19:25 PM


SADsadsAdSAdsaDSaDsADsa.. fuck.

4/25/2011 1:30:16 PM


4/25/2011 12:24:41 PM


4/23/2011 8:31:44 AM


i just broke one of the oldest promises that i've ever made.
take that, honor!

4/19/2011 6:39:56 AM


two words: sex knots

4/18/2011 2:11:29 PM


4/18/2011 1:50:08 PM


4/16/2011 11:24:27 PM


"FYI: ultimate frisbee is a game that is similar to soccer, but it is played w/ a frisbee instead of a soccer ball. myself, i have played several times, & it can be alot of fun, but it is often difficult to get enough people together to play because realistically, you need at least 5 people on each team to play very well."

color me school'd.

4/16/2011 9:20:32 PM


ok. wtf is "ultimate frisbee" & have you ever met someone who was into it? or see it as "hell fuckin' yea" in someone's profile ANYwhere? 
where are you, "ultimate frisbee" enthusiasts? WE know you're out there. somewhere.

i can't describe it tonight, it's like a mania.. it's been a mania & all i've wanted was to keep my eyes closed & succumb to pulp & nerve endings, guts & no. no consequence. (shh. shh. there is no such thing as "feelings" or "rainbow fish") -wait- yes, there is. well, fuck. there goes my hypothesis. 
buried inside of me-
it's a different animal, altogether.
(don't think that i haven't thought that you haven't thought about that)
there are just so many songs, i wouldn't even know which key to tune to.


4/15/2011 12:24:58 PM


"surely, you won't think to hold that against me, it's such an unusual day."

4/10/2011 1:40:13 PM


(psst. you guys, totally just saw gay-dom-hitler on the homepage.) 

4/9/2011 11:39:39 PM

it's complicated.
& a little bloody
bloodier than last time)
but nevertheless
i am caught w/out breath
the cruelty that so readily falls
from fingers full of

4/9/2011 2:50:30 PM


4/9/2011 12:48:43 PM


"every single line means something."
                                   -jean-michel basquiat 


4/5/2011 11:27:09 PM


bdsmclubowner: open your cam. now.

trampolina: i won't..

bdsmclubowner: you are very rude.

4/4/2011 7:35:07 AM


lost my external. completely freaking out. all of my work. gone.

4/3/2011 11:20:29 AM


i must admit, i kinda like clicking on the home page link & feeling a little slapped in the face by the shadow sides of human diversity.

4/2/2011 6:33:59 AM


"if someone breaks your heart, just punch them in the face. oh sure, it seems obvious now, but you’d be amazed at how many people don’t think of it when it’s relevant. seriously, just punch them in the face & go get some ice cream."
                             -chuck klosterman

4/2/2011 6:27:42 AM


last night, i begged & for the first time in my entire life, i meant that shit.

3/27/2011 7:09:29 PM


"one moves on the threads of light beams and to touch for even one instant those higher realms of mind & emotion that lay covered like deeply locked doors than it is all worth it.  even now as the rush of the essence of fire herbs leave me on fire aware all exists for one purpose to be consumed lke the pheonix & always to be reborn as we slip though the black diamond door to that next dimension"

always with

(email i received today)

3/27/2011 2:52:22 AM


".. say a prayer for the wild at heart kept in cages."
                                                     -tennessee williams

3/27/2011 12:29:20 AM

hm.. i had no idea they'd delete all of my mail..

3/28/2010 8:15:17 PM

there's something a little dangerous about tonight.

3/27/2010 11:50:31 PM

"don't do what you want. do what you don't want. do what you're trained not to want. do the things that scare you the most."
                                            -chuck palahniuk

3/25/2010 3:08:19 PM

from: MTCell -

re: your journal post with diezel... Well done!

tc, luv'd the post!


from: synnocent-

Love the recent journal entry. It made me laugh. :P Way to go.


from: bootdegrade-

Just wanted you to know that I loved the exchange you posted in your journal.

My favorite part was the 'emerg craniotomies'; I'm not a doctor or a neurosurgeon, but I'm pretty sure that basically means the same thing as "emergency decapitation," or "execution." So this person is performing the same tasks as a guillotine, and thinks that qualifies as the top 99.9%?

Or maybe you were more right than you know. She (?) is a member of the 99.9 percentile. Meaning she is just like everyone else, save those in the top .1%.

Anyway... just wanted to toss you the comment. Very funny.

3/14/2010 7:29:18 AM

letters are golden.

3/13/2010 7:40:28 PM

every mingled breath is another clue:

-& they are so fucking worth it
-& i don't speak this language

sterces fo lluf si ehs
-& sterces fo lluf si ehs

3/13/2010 1:49:39 PM

i am but a lost little girl in this ocean of experience.

3/12/2010 5:17:14 PM

ok, people. this journal system is distractingly
 bad. ::sigh:: oh, how the spoiled will

whine &
whine &

 Age: 20
  New York