
*sigh* lol here we go....... If you want to know something? Ask! :). One of my biggest loves in life is music, it is something I cannot live without, I listen to music constantly and every day to keep me from going a little insane, and most of the time you will find me singing along! recently I have fallen in love with metal. I'm am a nerd at heart and am proud of the fact :D. I am a bit of a gamer i like playing my Xbox. SQUIRREL!!!.......Moving on! In general I don't really like to be around people, i find them whiney and annoying, however there are those special individuals who can penetrate my wall and make me happy to be around them and care for them. In person I can be exquisitely shy or sometimes you can never get me to shut the hell up and stop acting like a freak! *Super freak, super freak, That girl's a super freak!* I also love piercings and tattoos, guys with tatts and such well I like'm! and I also plan to get more than the one's I have right now. I enjoy traveling a lot top three places I've been would be Ireland, Switzerland and Scotland, though i have been to many other amazing places. I'm a bit of an adrenaline junkie, i love getting that thrill from doing something particularly dangerous x) I also love outdoorsy stuff like getting muddy on a quad, skiing, ski-doing, camping etc. like I said you wanna know something else? Ask!
If the descriptive word "Feminine" has ever been used to describe you as a man i will let you know now that i probably will not be attracted to you