
I'm an illustrator and budding web cartoonist. I've recently started a new comic, "Frolica!" I'd be very happy for anyone and everyone to check it out. Comments are welcome and encouraged! Steve

2/12/2012 6:17:53 PM

A rollickin’ frolickin’ weekend it was! More comics, more promoting… and received a very kind offer to post a Frolica! banner from my online friend, SpeedyBee. Thanks SO much, and I hope the files I sent off are just what you need for your site!! That’s one more jumping on the Frolica! bandwagon! Welcome, Fellow Frolicker!

2/9/2012 5:35:50 PM

Fellow Frolickers, in just a few weeks now this current story will reach its shattering climax and I’m going to begin work on the second big story arc to run on the Frolica! site! I’m not gonna give away the store here, but part of it will revolve around the experience of a returning veteran… and that’s where YOU come in! If any of you are veterans, or know veterans, I need your stories! Whatever you would like to share, knowing that if I use it, it will of course be with a fair amount of artistic license. We’re all here for fun, but I also want to be as authentic as possible!

Folks, what you're seeing here is just the first paragraph of todays Bedazzling Blog Post, plus a panel specially selected by my crack team of experts to leave you drooling for more! Come and get it at...

2/7/2012 7:08:35 PM


Last time out I promised my Fellow Frolickers a little sneak, insider info about how I create these mini-masterpieces! Now did any of you really think I’d let my loyal fans down??



Don’t lie, you back in the back!

Well, far be it from me to disappoint my adorin’ public! Heerrrrre we go!!

First off, you all know I create, write, draw, and do the production on Frolica! myself, don’t you? I don’t have a highly paid staff to do all the work for me and paste on a photostat of my signature while lie on the couch eating bon-bons! And I’ll tell you, it’s all I can do, thinking every waking minute, to come up with this stuff.

So you BETTER appreciate it!!!

Anyway. Back to the subject at hand…

I do have a general idea of where this story is starting and ending. And there are various scenes I have in mind… whether they make it into this story or another. So I started out this week knowing where I had to go, but having no clue how to get there.

And when I need inspiration, the only way to get it, is to just start DOING! During spare moments I jotted down ideas, kind of forming a little kernel of narrative in my little kernel of a mind. After a few odd chicken scratches I was ready to start sketching.

The way I do that is to take a piece of paper, draw out the panels, and just start roughing in pix to fill ‘em! It’s about as simple as that! I generally have a fairly good feel for the pacing I want, so once I actually get cracking it’s not too tough to get some idea of what kind of art I need. I may even have some lines of dialog I think are so wonderful I’ve gotta make sure there’s a place to put ‘em!

Once the basic layout is sketched in I really do start thinking of dialog in earnest. Gotta get that story told!! I start scribbling in ideas for what the characters are saying and doing… plus anything else that pops into my head at the moment and needs to be recorded before it pops back out again!! It’s not meant for anyone but me, as you’ll see when you look at the scan below! Heck, half the time I might look at it a week later and not have the foggiest idea what I was doing!

Now Fellow Frolickers… look at the sketch below and see how it all begins… How about a contest!! the first one who correctly identifies which strips this goes with when they appear wins a special, but as yet to be determined, prize! Put on your thinking caps, boys and girls… and don’t let old Steve think he’s sending these messages into the empty aether!!


Zowie!! Fan Art!! The call is still out!! I want YOURS!!!!!

Zowie!! A special thanks to ALL who messaged me this weekend during my Pulse Poundin’ Promotion Blitz! YOU make it all worthwhile!! And while we’re at it, a special…

Zowie!! for the 150% jump in viewership!!! Just makes my little heart go pitty-pat!

Zowie!! You wanted it… You got it! Soon as I can get it all together there’ll be a special Frolica! Boutique page featuring original Frolica! art, t-shirts, mugs… heck, anything you folks are willing to throw money at!!

That’s it for tonight, Fellow Frolickers! Have a GREAT Wednesday, each and every one of you! Come early, come often, leave lots of comments… and bring 150 of your best friends with you!!!

We can do wonderful things… if we WILL!!

2/5/2012 11:20:47 AM

What’s So Funny About Peace, Hope, and Understanding?


Indeed, what IS so challenging about these concepts? And yet, one need only turn on the boob tube or walk out the door to see we live in a world where they are sometimes thin on the ground. One hopes that we’ll all do our best to make our world a fertile garden where these concepts can flourish!

From the title you may have guessed I’ve been listening to Elvis Costello. Looked up that song on YouTube the other day and had it running through my mind ever since!  ;)


On to the business at hand!!


Zowie!! This week Frolica! begins its permanent schedule, updating three days a week! That means

is THE PLACE TO BE every Monday/Wednesday/Friday… for fun and… FROLIC!!


Zowie!! Another busy weekend thanks to two great friends, who provided me with some very valuable help with promotion. A little gesture of appreciation will be winging its way to you soon!


Zowie!! The art for Frolica’s! Magnificent March Pinup Calendar is all done! It won’t be posted till the end of February, but trust me folks… it’s worth the wait!!


Zowie!! With all that going on somehow I’ve managed to find time to get cranking on comics as well! Be here Wednesday, for a little insider peek at how I write and draw these things! As a wiser soul than I once said, “Creativity isn’t pretty!”


Zowie!! I want… I need… I desperately desire your artistic contributions for the upcoming Fantastic Frolica! Fan Art Page! Draw Frolica!, Old Dog, or Master Zinger in your own style and send a jpeg to

! See the Fabulous Frolica! Manifesto for content guidelines!


Well Fellow Frolickers, that wraps it up for today! I want each one of you to know how very much I appreciate you (yea, i'm talkin' to YOU) coming by to share a moment of your day! Face front, Fellow Frolickers! The future lies before us, and it’s a beautiful place to be!


2/1/2012 5:42:29 PM

I figure the time’s come to post a little statement of purpose, just so folks will know where Frolica! Is coming from!


Frolica! is, as the name suggests… FUN!


Frolica! is racy, off-color fun, sexy fun… not necessarily always what you’ll want the HR Director to see up on your computer screen at work, but FUN is what it is. If you don’t enjoy that, better high-tail it now!


Frolica! will never be explicitly pornographic or profane. There’s plenty of that to be found on the internet now. Frolica! will never be a forum for hate or intolerance of groups or ideas. Nor will Frolica! promote violence or coercion (at least of the unconsenting).


Frolica! does disapprove of hypocrisy, narrow-mindedness, and malice.


Frolica! is a happy place! Come and join the fun!

1/31/2012 6:50:43 PM

The second week’s flying by faster than i would have thought! Had my first experience this evening loading a week’s comics on my own… I guess we’ll find out if I did it right or not!

Busily working on the March Frolica! pinup calendar!

Hope you ALL appreciate the hard work and dedication that goes into bringing you the very finest for your entertainment dollar!!!

Have a great day!

1/29/2012 2:02:39 PM

Well, it's been a weekend of drawing and blogging, as I try to get the site up and running, and keep up with the cartoons as well! Have met some great new fans online and that's a big part of the fun of a thing like this...


Now... just so Frolica's fans won't feel forgotten... check the Free Download Page for the great big February Frolica Pinup Calendar!!! No workplace cubicle will be complete without this little HR magnet distracting from your daily tasks! Zowie indeed!!!

1/27/2012 3:59:40 PM

Ok, Frolica!'s been up for a couple days now… getting a feel for how this works and how to make it do what I want… sort of… a little… well, it’s a beginning. The site's going, so I’m glad to have that hurdle behind me! None of this web design stuff is for the unititiated!


I’m hoping to do a Fan Art page, so anyone who’d like to contribute something is more than welcome… I look forward to seeing what you come up with!



dot com!

1/26/2012 4:58:18 PM

At last, after many delays and pitfalls, Frolica! has made it online… i mean, the Frolica! website has made it online, not that Frolica herself has “made it” online… but you knew that…
Many of you already know how the strip started as a single illustration for the October 2010 issue of Safeword Magazine and grew from that into a monthly feature that ranged from done-in-one gag strips to an extended mini-series on the evils of job-offshoring. Let it never be said that Frolica! shrinks from squarely confronting the burning social issues of the day!
Now that we’re finally off to a rocky but enthusiastic start to our very own website, let me promise you there’ll be plenty of fun in store with the characters… Master Zinger, Old Dog, and Miss Frolica Cage! There’ll be comic updates Monday/Wednesday/Friday (actually 5 days a week for the first 2 weeks), free downloads like a new Frolica pinup calendar every month, and down the road a few more ideas i’ve been kicking around.
So keep checking back! Let Frolica! be the saucy s-TART to YOUR day!
Before i close, I MUST give a special thankyou to my friend Robin, without whose web-savvy this thing would never, ever have happened. Your work is MUCH appreciated!


frolicacage dot com!

 Age: 24
 Kennesaw, Georgia