

Hetero Female

Age: 57
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 274 lbs
Ethnicity: Latinx

Last On: 4/17/24

Joined: 7/24/15

Minsluta's Profile Photo

I have a wide range of things I like. We are all unique in our likes and dislike. Questions, just ask I can carry myself well in a conversation. Most of all, please understand how to start a conversation. I give what I receive in at way of a conversations. A pleasant conversation starts out with hi or hello.

Minsluta's Interests:
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 Lives For:



 Web Surfing



 Coffee Shops




 Romance Novels

 Alternative Medicine


 Amusement Parks

 Antique Shows

 Art Galleries

 Bar Hopping


 Fine Dining

 Flea Markets

 Garage Sales

 Musical Theater



 Martial Arts


 Arcade Games

 Card Games


 Puzzle Games

 Science Fiction

 Auto Racing





 Horse Racing

 Ice Hockey


 Going to the Opera

 Curious About:


 Horseback Riding
