
Hi, ALL!!!
HOpe EvEryOnE is dOiNg wElL! wE arE in sEarch of hOusEhoLd sLaVes fOr ThE MiSTreSs & sUbS fOr MaSTeR & MiStResS. MaStEr & MiStResS wElCoMe & ReSPonD tO aLL iNQuiRIeS.
WE aRe GoOd-lOoking, gOoD-lOvErS, gOod diScIpLiNarIanS, gReAt pRoViDerS, eTc.
WE oFfeR a lOveLy hOmE iN An aWesOme nEigHBoRhOod wItH nIce AcCoMmAtIoNs.
WE aRe A pOlyAmOraus hOmE.
wE SeEk tHoSe InTerEsTeD iN a sAFe & hArMoniOuS eNvIrOnMEnT.
tHErE wIlL bE tRaiNiNgs, tEaChInGs, & eVaLuATiONs.
wE wElCoMe tHOse wIlLIng tO sUrREndEr AlL & ThoSe jUst wIsHiNg tO vISit.
 Age: 51
 Hornbrook, California