i serve.

i am available for absolute ownership. i may be fully exploited to appropriate the finances for my upkeep, desired alterations, and profit for my Owner. my Owner can make as much money off me as they desire. it would please me very much.

i am extremely disciplined. i am skilled at trance state. i am without desires of my own, and require an Owner to desire for me.

i wish to worship my Owner, thinking only of Him; every minute of my existence purposed for Him. when not graced by His commands, i listen only programming of sevice, devotion, and praise. this technique is called "psychic driving". it was developed by the CIA for MKUltra. eventually, i will posses no thoughts beyond my purpose.

i am very studied in mind control, and have trained most excellent slaves. i have spent the last year and a half prepairing myself for such service as i describe.

to own me with satisfaction, You must be perfectly selfish. the desire to give me pleasure, is a corruption of such perfection.

i am a very organic trans, body and mind. i have no sex drive, though i am highly sexual. before transition, i was often called 'she' by friends and strangers.  i've only just begun, and already a few straight Guys required disclosure. i am impecably honest.

my breasts are budding. i still have the male part. my ambition is to have it removed(or shrunk away), and to be smooth in front, like a barbie. i don't want Men to worry about giving me tingles. besides, isn't a ritually prepaired ass preferably to a needy pussy? i also wish to have my teeth removed, so that my mouth may be better fucked(with, of course, removable false teeth for my appearance). i can breathe while deepthroating, so this seems the sensicle direction.

i will be clear with all responses what my status is, and proceed as efficiently as possible to find out if i am right for You.
 Age: 43
 Chatsworth, Georgia