Life itself means to explore both the depths and the heights of existence; to taste and know the subtle soft and deep Presence of Being, which is more than simply seeing or knowing.

In this world there is a way,and even if it is an invisible way yet visible to those who hear colors, see sound and who are here now in eternity, approaching Infinity.

That certaintiy of a glance,or the ore of a voice, that certain tone that hold the call of the soul, the polar opposite, oar the wonder of Yin Yang within the greater Tai-Chi; The Complete Reality school of.....
.....and what does that matter when The GlassBead Game is done?
Still the voice calls, the Greater Dream, that Miraculous choice that not only opens heart body soul and mind unity into something of a higher dynamic and quality......................, a trembling union of One being two, where two join to one.

It takes a diamond to carve and polish a diamond, thus like to like as the winged ones await and we fly free in the sea of thee, me and the sea of wet wonder, Lover Lover and Beloved.

 Age: 45
 Sherman Oak, California