Are you the type of woman who always does her best? No matter what the situation you always try to help and make it better for those you care about? The type of woman who will do anything including sacrificing her own needs and happiness for others? The type of women finds herself being taking advantage of by those same people? The type of woman who people just assume will volunteer for whatever they need help with?

Does this leaving you feeling used, taken for granted, or just simply walked all over? Even worse if you manage to mess up or get away with something you feel horrible inside? You feel twisted up, ashamed, and guilty? That up need to be punished in some way for it? Does this lead you to think about or even per some type of self harm even it is it mentally abusing yourself to the to of feeling depressed, worthless, or worse?

When a relationship goes bad do you struggle with what you did wrong and how you screwed it. Especially if it involved someone else then you clearly did not give your love what they needed? Because if you did they would have never gone somewhere else. Even though your family and friends can in their opinion clearly point out how you were used and how what the other person did was clearly wrong? Yet you still feel deep down it was because you were not good enough in some way?

It is OK, you can breath,(In fact take a deep breath and slowly let it out) you are more normal than you realize. Many women struggle with these feelings. What you need is structure. A structure that lets you know what is expect of you and how to excel in it. You need praise and reward to know when you have done well. You need to hear the words Good girl, I am proud of you, or even a simple Nice job, to be recognized for the sacrifice, work, and effort you put out. Although you also need a firm hand when you do not put in the effort or mess up. A firm hand that give you the permission to stop beat yourself up, to let you know you have been disciplined and it is now OK the let it go so you can move on.

If this speaks to you and you have the strength to admit it contact us.
 Age: 26