

SORTED AT LAST _ In the words of Leonard Cohen - Halleljuh

Real slave, one who is tired of all the BS that exists in the D/s universe. I am a slave, I know I am a slave and I am happy as such.

I was created a slave as a child, but I will only explain that comment to those who are truly interested and to whom I feel a level of trust. I lived for many years denying my sexuality and orientation. Now, since divorcing, I am able to be who I truly am and find the owner(s) to whom I can dedicate my whole life.

I was a teacher, these days I teach guitar and voice (having been a semi pro singer in my younger days). I am not playing games, quite the opposite. I only wish I could find an owner who was similar. To hell with negative thoughts though. This time it will be different. I will go anywhere for the right situation. I will never freeload, but always pay my way.

I have no limits save those of my owner. In the real world however, these will be a mutual agreement, but an agreement that can be developed of course.

So that's a start. Let's see what happens next.