| Male Switch, 45, HamiltonNiagara, Canada
Time for a change in approach then....
Im tired of wasting my time and energy by engaging in discussion with people on here who then disappear without so much as a word. If I engage in contact with someone on here and they in turn respond, I expect that the conversation will continue. If you cannot be bothered to behave in a mature manner, let me know from the beginning so that I can avoid wasting my time.
I am not interested in a one day relationship.
What I am interested in is a serious, but fun-loving and open-minded relationship that is allowed to develop.
That being said, let me be clear I have no time for the whole lifestyle scene (sic).Im not interested in making a new clique of friends, nor am I interested in joining a new social club. There is no such thing as a lifestyle. I refer you to George Carlin if you are so confused...
Do feel free to message me. Id much rather learn about someone via conversation than by reviewing a checklist...
I someone going to fix this site at some point?2 days running now and the pages look like they're loading in code...Brutal.
Whatthefuckis going on with this site?It now takes 5 minutes for a single page to load.ffsUseless...
You know, this site has a statistically abnormal number of women [ and self styled 'girls' ( girls!! ) ] that can squirt.hmmmmm
Why has this site been 'working' as if it's 1990?I've been on government pages that load a bit faster...Is there a special secret way to make this site work properly that I'm not aware of?