A well-behaved man who knows his place in a relationship, ready to submit to the right Woman, and eager to learn exactly how to behave to please You, Maam.

i recently completed a questionnaire in a book called How to Set Up an FLR by Georgia Ivey Green, perhaps You might be interested in my answers... They are pasted in below

Q-1 I would like control of our financial decisions to be...
A) All hers
B) Mostly hers
C) Shared equally
D) Mostly mine
E) All mine

B - She should make most financial decisions in the relationship, but may seek my advice on occasion or delegate responsibilities to me.

Q-2 I would like control of the direction of our lives to be...
A) All hers
B) Mostly hers
C) Shared equally
D) Mostly mine
E) All mine

B - In general i would defer to Her plans and wishes for our future, but i would have some say on matters that are particularly important to me.

Q-3 I would like control of my free time to be...
A) All hers
B) Mostly hers
C) Shared equally
D) Mostly mine
E) All mine

C - i would not burden Her with the responsibility to micromanaging every moment of my time, but Her instructions would be followed whenever She wished to take control, and i would aim to spend at least half of my free time working to anticipate Her needs and desires and on pursuits that serve and show respect to Her.

Q-4 I would like control of the household chores to be...
A) All hers
B) Mostly hers
C) Shared equally
D) Mostly mine
E) All mine

A - She should have the sole and final say on all housekeeping matters - how and when chores are to be done, who will be responsible for completing them, etc. i would have no say and would do my best never to talk back to Her about any housework assignment in the privacy of our home. This is one area where i would give myself over to Her authority completely. i would want Her to feel as completely in control of private household matters as possible.

Q-5 I would like control of our sexual activity to be...
A) All hers
B) Mostly hers
C) Shared equally
D) Mostly mine
E) All mine

A - i have a very strong sex drive, and would do everything in my power to make myself as desirable to Her as She is to me. i treasure every opportunity She gives me to serve Her sexually, and a cornerstone of all of my successful Femdom relationships has been my complete surrender to Her sexually - i am Hers whenever, wherever, and however She wants me. But pressuring any Woman into sexual activity She does not fully desire is incredibly disrespectful and wrong, and She should always have complete control over sexual decisions. She may not always want what i want, how i want it, or when i want it, but giving Her complete control over sex helps to keep me in a submissive mindset.

She may not always want me to be submissive in bed, and She may allow me to ask to initiate sexual activity, but She will always have the final say on what sexual activity takes place in the relationship.

Q-6 I would like control of my sexual release (orgasms) to be...
A) All hers
B) Mostly hers
C) Shared equally
D) Mostly mine
E) All mine

C - i see it as my responsibility and my top priority to make sure that She is satisfied every time, even if that means that my pleasure and my desires are delayed or denied. Much of the sexual activity taking place in a Femdom relationship focuses entirely on Her, and if it pleases Her to control or deny my orgasm, then She will be free to do so.

Q-7 I would like her to acknowledge that she is the head of the house...
A) Publicly
B) Only to me
C) No

B - If it pleases Her to do so, She might allow one or two of Her friends to know about the nature of our relationship, but i dont think i would like everything about the relationship to be public.

Q-8 I think I would enjoy her punishing me...
A) Physically
B) Non-physically
C) Both
D) Not at all

C - Both physical and non-physical punishment are important teaching tools.

Q-9 I think I would enjoy being her servant (or slave).
A) Yes, definitely
B) Yes, in some ways
C) Not really
D) Definitely not

B - Yes, but not 100 of the time. While She would always be the head of the household, ideally some of our time would be spent enjoying each others company in the way ordinary couples do.

Q-10 I think I would like her to put me in chastity.
A) Yes, definitely
B) Sometimes
C) Only in play
D) Not at all

B - if it pleases Her to do so.

Q-11 I want to be obedient to her.
A) Always
B) Most of the time
C) Some of the time
D) Not really

A - Anytime She wished me to, i would do my best to obey, in private or in public. Ideally She would allow me a reasonable amount of time to myself, and would be discreet about issuing orders in public.

Q-12 I want her to initiate sex with me.
A) Never
B) Sometimes
C) When she allows it
D) Always

C - She would always have the final word about any sexual activity.

Q-13 I want her to make me reveal my inner-most fantasies.
A) Yes, definitely
B) Only when I ask
C) If she wants to
D) Never

A - Question sessions that require me to bare myself completely to the Woman i love make me feel very vulnerable and submissive.

Q-14 I like the feeling of her being in charge.
A) Definitely
B) Most of the time
C) On occasion
D) Never


Q-15 Her being in charge makes me uncomfortable.
A) Never
B) Sometimes
C) Most of the time
D) Always


Q-16 I would love for her to make me rub her feet.
A) Definitely
B) Occasionally
C) If she wants me to
D) Never


Q-17 I would love to fetch things for her.
A) Always
B) Occasionally
C) If she wants me to
D) Never


Q-18 I want to seek her approval.
A) Always
B) Occasionally
C) If she wants me to
D) Never


Q-19 I want to make myself attractive for her.
A) Always
B) Occasionally
C) If she wants me to
D) Never


Q-20 I want to show her my appreciation.
A) Always
B) Occasionally
C) Sometimes
D) Never


Q-21 I want her to make me do more of the housework.
A) Always
B) When she tells me to
C) Occasionally
D) Never


Q-22 I want her to know I sexually desire her.
A) Always
B) Occasionally
C) Sometimes
D) Never


Q-23 I want to cook her meals.
A) Always
B) Occasionally
C) Sometimes
D) Never

If She wants me to.

Q-24 I want to run errands for her.
A) Always
B) Occasionally
C) Sometimes
D) Never

If She wants me to.

Q-25 I would love for her to require that I bow or kneel to her.
A) Always
B) Occasionally
C) Sometimes
D) Never


Q-26 I would love to be naked while serving her.
A) Always
B) Occasionally
C) Sometimes
D) Never

My attire (or lack of attire) when serving Her would be Her decision.

Q-27 I would like her to tie me to a chair or the bed.
A) Always
B) Occasionally
C) Sometimes
D) Never


Q-28 I would enjoy her dressing me in female clothing.
A) Always
B) Occasionally
C) Sometimes
D) Never

If She wanted to.

Q-29 I want her to make me per or entertain her.
A) Always
B) Occasionally
C) Sometimes
D) Never
